"Yeah he could." His eyebrows raised and he sat up straight. "Look I know you might not believe me. You'll probably think it's just cause he's my mate. But I can tell when people are telling the truth or are lieing. It's a gift I got from my dad and my grandfather." That made me stop for a moment. Rob had to of had him come down. That means he could be coming here. "You need to realise that your father has bitten off a little more than he can chew."

"What do you mean?" He looked interested. This guy is really strange. He didn't act like this at all in the woods.

"Ok, do you know what my last name is?" He shook his head. "It's Dean. You need to think for a moment why that name would be important." I went silent, waiting for him to come up with the answer.

"It sounds familiar. But I can't really think of anything at the moment." I sighed.

"What does the name Liam Dean mean to you?" He brought his eyebrows together and thought for a moment. His became wide as he had finally registered who I was talking about.

"Are you saying Liam is your grandfather." He looked horrfied. I would to. Before I met my grandpa, I knew the stories of the people who crossed him. They weren't very happy things to know when you were in the hot seat.

"Look, I don't want any of you to get hurt. You didn't realise any of this. But when he gets here, he's going be furious." He stood and started to pace the room. "You need to tell you dad before they get here."

"They're already coming. One of our spotters saw them. They're only about a half and hour away." I looked down at the clock and noticed it was 11 in the afternoon already.

"How long have I been out?" He stopped and looked at me.

"About a day now." Wow that long.

"We should probably go and tell your dad then " I went to say his name and noticed that i had never asked him what it was. "Umm what's your name?" He smiled.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you that. My names Lance." I stood up from the bed and shook his hand.

"Well it's nice to meet you. Although I wish it were on better circumstances." We both laughed.

"Yeah, I do too." He smiled again then turned. "Well you better come with me. We need to tell my dad before we get into more trouble." I nodded and we headed out the door and into the hallway.

Well the hallway is definately not homey.The walls are bright white and the ceiling has lights lining the whole hallway. I feel like I'm in one of those hospital scenes in a movie. Where the patient is being rushed down a white hallway and it has lights overhead. Only I'm not on a bed and I'm running down the hallway.

We came to a left turn and we followed it. At the end of the hall was two great big doors. We quickly got to the doors and stopped. Lance reached out and took ahold of one of the knobs. He took a deep breath in then twisted and pushed the door open. He walked in and I followed him. We were met by several people arguing back and forth. Why they were arguing I have no idea.

My eyes wandered around the room. Seeing people going back and forth and not agreeing on one thing. I can't believe how unorganized this all is. I came to the other side of the room and my eyes stopped on a man who was siting up in a giant chair. It was like he was king and he had the full view of the room. He had his head in his hand and he looked very stressed. He looked up and our eyes met. His eyes grew hard and he raised his hand up in the air.

"Silence!" The room went quiet and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. My eyes did not leave his as we stared eachother down. My wolf would not allow me to look away from him. He needed to know the dominence I have over him. I started to walk forward and there was little whispers all around until I was only a few feet away from him. He lifted his eyebrow and then turned his attention to the left of me. "Why is she in here?" I took this time to take in his apperance. He had light brown eyes and they looked very tired he also had an unkept beard and his hair was rather shaggy. He looks like a mountain if you had to describe him.

The Mate of my Dreams (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن