Chapter 17

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Oikawa laid on the coach. He pouted a bit as he looked at the clock, which was showing 10:45 pm. He sighed and changed his position to laying down with a hand holding up his head. He grabbed his phone from the coffee table in front of him and went to messages.
Glancing at the previous attempts, he decided to give it another go.


3:15 pm
Iwa: Hey, I have to go somewhere after school. Go on home without me.

Oikawa: What? Where are you going?
Oikawa: Iwa-Chan???
Oikawa: UH! Iwa-chan, at least tell me where you're going..

10:46 pm
Oikawa: When are you coming home?? I miss you! :((((


Oikawa whined as he threw his phone back into the table. He grabbed a blanket from the back of the coach and put it over himself. He wanted to go to bed, but what if Iwaizumi came home? Or worse, what if he didn't?
He shivered at the thought of something happened to Iwa. Pulling the blanket closer to his face and slamming his eyelids shut. He thought to himself.

'He's okay. Iwaizumi is okay.'

He said it to himself. Over. And over. Like a broken record. He was so caught up in this that he didn't even hear the front door click open. Iwaizumi stepped in, looking tired as ever as he sighed. Oikawa finally stepped back into reality when he felt someone plop onto the couch where his legs were laying.

"OWW!!" He squealed as he jerked his legs closer to his torso. He snapped his eyes open to see Iwaizumi with a hand in his own hair. Pushing it back as he breathed in. Swallowing gallons of air. Iwaizumi opened both eyes with his head tilted back.

Oikawa's cheeks colored pink at the sight of him, and his breath hitched when he saw Oikawa. 'Refreshing' was the only word he could think of.
He smiled at Oikawa, but only getting crossed arms in return with a obvious red tint to his face. Was it from anger or embarrassment? Both? Who knew?

Iwa raised a brow.

"What is it?"

"What do you mean "what is it?" I practically spammed you with texts."

He swallowed.

"I was worried, Iwa-chan! You didn't reply to me practically all day. I thought that something might have.. Happened to you. I was scared."

Iwaizumi took out a dead phone and held it up.

"My phone went dead practically right after I left school. I texted you when I was on 5%. Sorry I made you worry."

Oikawa sighed and then layed his head on Iwa's lap.

"It's fine." He said with a closed eye smile.

Silence filled the room and Oikawa's eyes were still closed. That is until something whacked him in the face. He jerked open his eyes to see Iwaizumi looking the other direction of him, and a envelope, which he had just been hammered in the face with, in his hand.

"What's this?.."
Oikawa said as he grabbed the envelope, Giving a questioning look to his lover. Then it hit him. It was the confession letter from yesterday..
Why was Iwa giving his letter to him?

Oikawa already started opening it by the time Iwaizumi replied.

"It's a confession- letter, And Uhm, the girl told me to give it to you.."
He spoke with a guilty face. Oikawa's eyes widened as everything started clicking together.

"I'm really sorry, Oikawa. I hid it from you at first. I just love you a lot and I was just-"

Oikawa crashed his lips against Iwa's to stop him from explaining what he already knew. Oikawa's arms draped over Iwaizumi's shoulders. Iwaizumi breathed into the kiss and let his hands find their way to the back of Oikawa's neck and into his thick brown hair.

They separated after a while and Oikawa leaned on Iwa's chest. He mumbled.

"I know."

He said as he crumbled up the sealed envelope.

"Aren't you going to read it?"

Oikawa looked up at him and smiled as he threw the crumbled paper over his shoulder.

"Why would I?" Oikawa pressed his forehead against Iwaizumi's letting his top lip barely touch Iwa's. Their warm breaths colliding into each other during the silence. "I already have everything I want. I love you.."

Iwaizumi's stomach flipped as he put a hand to Oikawa's cheek.

"I love you too. More then the sun."

Oikawa raised a eyebrow.
"The sun? Why not something bigger? Like the universe?"

"The universe might be big, but it's also cold, and dark. The sun is hot and shines bright, like my love for you."

Oikawa pressed his lips against Iwaizumi's lightly, and smirked. "Oh, how flattering Iwa-chan."

"Shut up Shittykawa."

Oikawa chuckled. He scooted off of Iwaizumi's lap and back onto the coach.

"So? Where did you go?" He asked with a hand on his cheek.

"I stayed after school to start looking into scholarships, College, the future." He shrugged and continued. "Then I went to the grocery store and bought stuff for tonight's dinner, where I ran into Hanamaki. He had a lot to say."

Iwaizumi sighed at this, which made Oikawa laugh into his hand a bit.

"Which brings me onto the subject." Iwaizumi clasped his hands together and open his mouth.

"I have a scholarship offer."

Oikawa's face lit up.

"Iwa-Chan! That's gre-"

"But in order to use it, I have to start right after graduation. A- and.. The college it applies to.. Is in Georgia."

Iwaizumi's breath hitched as he looked Oikawa in the eyes before continuing.

"Which is 6,000 miles away.."

Oikawa's face turned white and his mouth had slightly opened as well. No traces left of the smile that was on his face not even five minutes ago.


(A/N: ok so I've been really inactive. I'm gonna try to be more active but school man. I have so much shit to do. I'll try to update soon! So vote, share, and comment for more.) ( ̄▽ ̄)

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