Chapter 11

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A shiver ran up Iwaizumi's spine as he woke in his usually bed. But something was different. He turned his head to the floor, which was empty. "Ah. That's right Oikawa went home.."

Iwaizumi sighed as he stood up and slicked his hand across his hair, which went flat for nearly a second before it bounced back up to it usual spiky form.
'I'm defiantly going to talk to him today and clear everything up. It will go back to normal surely.' He thought as he walked to his closet to get dressed for school.

-Time Skip-

Iwaizumi made his way down the stairs quickly and thrusted himself towards the door. But right before he could reach the knob, he was pulled back. His mother's hand yanking his still tired body to the dining room.

"Eat breakfast! How do you expect to get any taller like that?!" She hissed as she pushed him into a chair that was in front of a breakfast filled table.

Iwaizumi gave her a offended look, "did you just indirectly call me short?"

She rolled her eyes at her son, who was now eating breakfast and staring at her, waiting for a answer.

"Well I'm not calling you tall."
She laughed as she left the room.

Once he was sure she was gone, Iwaizumi left his breakfast and hurried to the door. He ran all the way to school, which actually wasn't too far. He walked through the front entrance, and aside from all the people, he couldn't help but to look for Oikawa.

After looking around for a few minutes, he decided to go to Oikawa's class.
He took a steady breath after opening the sliding door, but he saw no trance of his friend. He turned around to leave until he heard a voice call to him.

He flinched a bit but turned to face the voice. Furrowing his brows as he saw a flock of girls heading towards him with sparkling eyes.

"Hello Iwaizumi-kun, have you seen Oikawa today?" A girl asked as a couple of her friends nodded their heads in agreement. "We haven't seen him at all this morning!"

"Uhm- No.. I haven't. So he's really not here at all?" Iwaizumi said as his voice was showered with worry.

She hummed as she shook her head, "No.. It's very troublesome! My friend Ame here wanted to give him something today, she was so sad when we noticed he wasn't here."

The small blonde girl behind the one talking was clasping a small envelope with a pink heart sticker keeping it closed, in her hands and biting her lip. 'No doubt about it, that's a love note' Iwaizumi thought. his headache grew by the minute as the girls continued talking about Oikawa.

Once Iwaizumi escaped, he found his way back to his classroom and took his seat.

"Iwaizumi.. Are you alright?" One of his classmates that sat behind him asked, Yoshida was his name. Iwaizumi wouldn't consider him a 'friend', but when Iwa is in class bored out of his mind, he can get pretty fun to talk to.

Iwaizumi sighed, "Yeah- maybe.. Not really. Just a little confused, that's all." He said as he took a sip of a juice box he bought on his way to class.

Yoshida smirked, "Hmm..? Having girl trouble?"

Iwaizumi stopped for a second, then all at once spit his juice all over himself and the poor girl that was unlucky enough to sit in front of him. He stood up quickly. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!" Iwa yelped as he slammed both hands on Yoshida's desk, making him flinch.

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