Chapter 6

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Iwaizumi grabbed the door handle to his house and turned it before pushing the door open and calling, "I'm home!"
Soon after, his mother was standing in the entrance to the kitchen glaring at him. "Hajime what on earth where you thinking?"


"Leaving to spend the night with Oikawa without telling me! You should be ashamed of yourself-"

Iwaizumi stood there with a dull expression waiting for his mom to stop blabbering on.
"Mom please..-"

"Speaking of which where is my precious Oikawa?! I don't see him. Hajime Iwaizumi do not tell me you came home without bringing him-"

"MOM CALM DOWN!" Iwaizumi yelled. Oikawa peeked his head out from Iwaizumi's back and smiled. still holding onto Iwaizumi's hand, he let go once Iwa's mother approached him.

"Oh Oikawa, your always welcome here and don't forget that!" She said as she squished his face together with her hands. Oikawa chuckled and put his hand on hers. "Thanks for being the mom I never had."

Her eyes lit up before she ran into the kitchen yelling something about making pudding for the boys.

Iwaizumi turned to look at Oikawa as he sat on the couch, tossing his bag near the door. "Tch. Your such a suck up." he said smiling.

Oikawa jumped on the spot next to Iwa on the couch. "At least I don't go running off to a friends house without telling my mommy!" He said sticking his tongue out.

"Liar. What do you think your doing right now!" Iwaizumi questioned raising a eyebrow.

"This doesn't count Iwa-chan! I have permission to go wherever I want when my parents aren't home." He said raising his chin and crossing his arms.

Iwaizumi picked up a pillow and smashed it into Oikawa's face while saying, "mhmm sure. Let's go."

Iwaizumi ran upstairs and Oikawa followed close behind. They walked into Iwaizumi's room and Oikawa sat on the bed. "I'm going to take a shower." Iwaizumi said while grabbing some clothes and walking into the bathroom that was in his bedroom.

Oikawa was scrolling through his phone before he noticed something in the corner of his eye. Something on the ground. He got up off of the bed and walked towards it, and squatting down to pick it up. He grabbed the fabric and held it up.
It was boxers.
Iwaizumi's to be exact.

Oikawa's mouth dropped along with the boxers. He turned towards the bathroom door, where there was already the sound of a running shower.

Should he just.. Walk in and sit them down? Should he wait? Surely Iwaizumi has a towel he can use, but even so it would still be awkward.

It would probably be embarrassing for Iwaizumi if he had to ask Oikawa to give him his underwear. But it would be embarrassing for Oikawa if he caught him trying to sneak in the bathroom while Iwaizumi is showering.

Oikawa came to a decision after many minutes of pacing and biting his nails. He took a deep breath and grabbed the handle to the bathroom door.

He slowly turned it trying to be as silent as possible. He pushed open the door and began tip toeing to the counter where the rest of Iwaizumi's clothes were.

He laid the boxers down, turned around, and sighed. He began walking towards the door, and just when he grabbed the handle.. The water stopped running and the curtain on the shower came open.

Oikawa was too scared to turn around. But soon a voice called to him, "uhh.. Oikawa? What the fuck are you doing in here?"

Oikawa slowly turned around, shaking in fear. His eyes widened when he saw a naked Iwaizumi with nothing but a towel he was holding covering his privates. Water dripping from his body and a towel on his head. A eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Uhhh.. I uh u- um- I wa- just -guh" Oikawa couldn't speak as he stared at Iwaizumi's body. Oikawa tensed up and gulped.

"GOTTA BLAST!" Oikawa yelled as he slung the door open and started to run out of the bathroom, but the floor was wet with water causing him to slip and land straight on his face.

Iwaizumi ran over to where Oikawa had fell and turned him over. He was unconscious. "You knocked yourself out you damn idiot!" Iwaizumi said biting his lip and picking up Oikawa. He walked him over to the bed and laid him down.

Iwaizumi got dressed and sat down on the bed beside Oikawa, who was still knocked out. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. Unlike when he was awake and yelling 'Iwa-chan!' As loud as possible 24/7.

Iwaizumi glided his hand across Oikawa's face, brushing his eyelashes. He brought his hand to Oikawa's lips and pushed his finger onto them. Feeling how soft they where.

Oikawa, still asleep. Grabbed The hand Iwaizumi had on his lips. Iwaizumi chuckled and continued to brush his finger across Oikawa's lips. Oikawa pulled Iwa's hand closer and began suckling on his finger. "ah-" Iwaizumi gasped, surprised by his friends actions.

Oikawa continued suckling on Iwaizumi's finger, saliva beginning to run from his mouth. Oikawa's cheeks tinted a barley noticeable pink, and his lips where slightly red from being rubbed. Iwaizumi's head began to get filled with thoughts he never had before. He was shaking. How could just this sight make him like this? At the moment, Oikawa looked so lewd. How could this make him so turned on? And why couldn't he pull his hand away?

Iwaizumi's breath got heavy. The room was silent other then their breathing. Iwaizumi couldn't stop himself. He didn't know what he was doing but it was bad. He shuffled from his sitting position to on top of Oikawa.

Oikawa's eyes began to open. And when his vision was clear, he thought he was still dreaming. Iwaizumi was sitting on his abdomen, sweaty and lightly panting with lustful eyes. "Iwa-.. Chan" Oikawa said quietly with wide eyes, still trying to understand what was happening.


(A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! Leave a vote and comment it's greatly appreciated! Also, do you guys want smut? I've never wrote one but I can try if you guys say you want it!) o(ω' )o

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