Chapter 9

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   The sun shone through the blinds in Iwaizumi's room. Bright enough to wake up Oikawa. He yawned as he slowly stretched his arms out, still on his backside. He raised up, and blinked a few times before noticing the empty spot beside him where Iwaizumi should be.

Oikawa stood to his feet and walked to his friends closet. He opened the wooden sliding door, and began flipping through the many colors of fabric for a few seconds until stopping on something he wanted to wear. He picked it from the rack and yanked off his long-sleeved stripped shirt and replaced it with a sweat shirt, which Oikawa knew Iwaizumi used quite often, before closing the closet door. He brought the over sized sleeve to his face and pressed it against his cheek.
It's Warm

The Shirt really smelled like Iwaizumi, which Oikawa didn't mind one bit. It was a strong Musky scent with the slight smell of Iwa-Chan's cologne mixed in.

Oikawa smiled as the familiar scent filled his nostrils. He opened the bedroom door and began down the stairs towards the kitchen. Once he got to the door frame he noticed
Iwaizumi, once again, was no where in sight. His mother was leaned over the sink washing the many filthy dishes that piled on top of each other.

The middle aged woman lead her eyes over Oikawa and did a double take as she dropped the sponge into the sink and ran up to the tall boy. She gave him a sweet smile and began to speak, "Good morning. Are you hungry?" She said, the smile never leaving her face for even a second.

"Oh- oh No thank you. Do you by any chance know where Iwaizumi is?"
He asked with worry clearly showing in his tone of voice.

"Oh, Hajime went out to get some groceries, don't worry your pretty little head about him." She assured as she stood on the tip of her toes and reached a hand to Oikawa's hair.

She patted his head and then yanked him to the kitchen counter like a rag doll.

"Alright, we're making omelettes! Mince the Onions Tooru." The woman exclaimed as she went over to her own space to whisk the eggs.
Oikawa hesitantly cut the onions, slowly and carefully.

"Uh. Aimi-Sama? I've never really cooked before." Oikawa spoke hesitantly, not taking his eyes off what he was doing in front of him.
He heard the woman call back to him.
"And that's why I'm teaching you now."

He sighed in defeat and continued mincing. Guess it can't be helped. He knew Aimi could be a scary woman when she needed to be, so he rather not see that side of her today.

-Time skip-

After many torturous hours of cooking, cleaning, and acting like a housewife, Oikawa finally plopped himself onto the sofa. A stained apron wrapped around his waist as he sighed into his hands. Iwaizumi's mother worked him to the bone. Why did she think he needed to learn this stuff anyways?

He dug his phone out of his pocket and texted Iwaizumi, for the millionth time this morning.

'Iwa-Chaaaaan! Helppp! Your mom is making me into a house wife. :('


Oikawa continued spamming Iwaizumi's phone, until he heard a loud bang. The sound of a door slamming open echoed through the room and spooked Oikawa, which lead to him with his face smushed onto the floor and his ass in the air. He fell off the couch.

A loud snicker come from the front door. Oikawa quickly found his way to his feet and peered at the door. He saw a quite exhausted looking Iwaizumi smirking at him and holding a ton of grocery bags.

"IWA-CHAN!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Oikawa hissed as he held a hand to his fore head to cover the reddened spot that had hit the floor.
He rested his other hand on his hip, and dropped the hip on his other side.

Iwaizumi stared at Oikawa for merely three seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter, nearly dropping the bags he was holding. Oikawa's faced turned red as he stuck a finger in Iwa's face accusingly.

"W-what are you laughing at?!" He asked with scarlet red cheeks.

Iwaizumi stopped, trying to catch his breath, he began to reply in a choppy way. "You- hahaha look like a- a- haha.."

"Spit it out already Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa demanded. As he tapped his foot.

Iwaizumi finally stopped, his face holding a smile brighter then the sun as he barely chuckled as he spoke. 

"Trashykawa, you look like a disappointed wife ridiculing her husband." He said pointing at his friends dirty apron and chuckling a bit louder then before.

Oikawa looked down at the apron wrapped around his waist with a dumb founded look, he looked back up to Iwaizumi and his face flushed. Oikawa quickly and recklessly untied the apron and threw it off of himself as he frowned at a still laughing Iwa.

"Haha- no- no it's cute- hahaha. It suits you. Really it does." Iwa said holding a hand over his mouth as he tried to refrain himself from laughing and angering his friend anymore. Oikawa pouted, "Did you not get my texts?"

Oikawa had stopped laughing by now, but was still trying to catch his breath as he held his side and spoke.

"Oh- no my phone died." Iwaizumi replied.

Before Oikawa could respond, Iwa's mom walked in. "Alright, breakfast is in the kitchen." She winked at Oikawa. "Hajime, Make sure to thank Tooru for the food he made you. He worked hard today."

Oikawa blushed and looked to his feet when he noticed what aimi said had caught Iwa-Chans attention. Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa and chucked.

"So that explains the apron. It really did suit you.."

Oikawa groaned before stomping to the kitchen with Iwaizumi following close behind. Once Oikawa got to the kitchen, he started to set the table for three people, that is until Iwaizumi stopped him.

"Aye Shittykawa, It's just the two of us eating breakfast." Iwaizumi said as he pulled out a chair to sit down.

"Eh- what? Just the two of us?" Oikawa questioned a bit nervously. Recently Oikawa hasn't been able to act normal when he is alone with Iwaizumi. The air got stiff and somehow he always found himself blushing over something Iwa did or said.

"yeah. My mom is apparently going out town." Iwaizumi shrugged as he sat down in front of Oikawa.

'Well isn't this just fan-fucking-tastic.' Oikawa thought, as he sat awkwardly in front of the man he was madly in love with.

'Well.. this can't get any worse..' Oikawa thought as he shuffled in his seat uncomfortably.

"Oikawa.. Can I talk to you about something. Specifically.. About- well.. You've been acting kind of weird lately." Iwaizumi questioned. never letting his eyes leave the position they took, which was staring at the fork in his hand.

Oikawa stiffened.
'Annnnd.. it just got worse.'

(A/N: AYYYYE sorry I've been busy af. School started and my fucking math teacher piles up our homework. I've been filling semi inspired. o(`ω' )o
And leave a comment and got for more. AND TYSM FOR 300 Reads! ugh TBH i didn't expect my shitty fic to get this far. But tyyyy ily all. (T ^ T)。)

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