Chapter 1 (Prologue)

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Oikawa walked along the thin concrete path that led to his school. The streets where dark and empty, only the street lights shone. Nearly all houses he passed had all their lights off. It was still too early for most people to be awake. The sun was just starting to come up. The peak of a colorful burning sunrise hid behind buildings in the distance. Once Oikawa got close enough to see the gym, he ran. He opened the doors to the large building and peeked in. No one was there.

He strolled in and began turning the lights on. He got out the volley balls, ready to start his practice, when a hand touched his shoulder. He let out a small gasp before quickly snapping his head around to face his intruder. To his pleasant surprise, it was just his childhood friend, Iwaizumi Hajime. "Iwa-Chan!!" Oikawa yelled as he turned his body to face his friend. He slumped down onto him in a given up manner. "You scared me!" He said closing his eyes, still resting his head on Iwa's shoulder.

"Get the hell off me, Shittykawa." He lightly shoved Oikawa off of his chest and slightly squinted his eyes.
"So what are you doing here so early?" Iwaizumi asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Clearly I'm training." He replied with snobby look.
Iwaizumi stood there with a bored face. He turned to face the clock on the gym walls before turning around and slapping the back of Oikawas head. "Ow!! Iwa-Chan!! So mean!.." Oikawa pouted.

"It's four in the morning, shit head."
Iwaizumi said as if he was talking to a small dog that had just took a shit on the floor.
"WELL YOUR HERE TOO!!!" Iwaizumi opened his mouth to protest but quickly closed it.

"So? Why are you here Iwa-chan?" Oikawa said while crossing his arms, and dropping his hips like a disappointed mother.
Iwaizumi tensed up. Before turning his face slightly to the ground avoiding eye contact.

"U-uh well.. It's your birthday. So I was going to.. uh."
Iwaizumi covered his face with his hand, clearly covering a light pink that had already been brushed evenly across his nose, cheeks, and even the top of  his ears. "Happy birthday I guess." Iwaizumi said, never finishing his previous sentence.

He was completely red. "Ohh! It is my birthday!" Oikawa said while whacking his fist against the palm of his hand, as if he had just remembered.
Iwaizumi looked up with furrowed eyebrows, his pink cheeks now back to normal, like it had never happened. "You idiot. Did you really forget your own birthday?"

Oikawa scratched the back of his head and gave a awkward smile while saying lowly, "Hehe Maybe a little. No need to be so cruel Iwa-Chan."

Iwaizumi sighed and turned around to walk out of the gym. Oikawa gasped a bit as if he was hurt, and ran towards his friend in attempt to catch up. "Waiiit!!! Iwa-chaaaaan!!! Since school hasn't started yet, lets do something!" Oikawa said as he jumped on Iwaizumi, wrapping his legs around his waist and his arms around iwaizumi's head.

"What the hell?!?!" Iwaizumi said as he lost his balance and tumbled over with Oikawa still clinging onto him. He opened his eyes to discover Oikawa under him. Both his hands supporting his weight beside oikawa's head. And his leg between Oikawa's. A blush covered his face completely as he looked at the person under him.

Oikawa's brown hair was tossed above in a messy manner, revealing his face. His skin looked soft, yet fragile, like porcelain. His once pale cheeks were painted with a rosy color. And his eyes shine like diamonds up at Iwaizumi.

"I-Iwa-chan. Can you get off of me please?"

Iwaizumi gasped a little, realizing he had spaced out for a few seconds and was still on top of Oikawa. He stood up slowly. Taking one last look at Oikawa, he turned around and began to walk away. Oikawa rose up from the hard ground and grabbed the bottom of iwaizumi's shirt. He stared up at him in awe, face still flushed. Iwaizumi faced Oikawa to see him making a expression he usually doesn't see. One good part of their relationship to Iwaizumi, was how he got to see sides of Oikawa that no one else knew existed.

The face Oikawa was making currently was one of them. His eyes sparkled and his mouth was slightly parted. Oikawa soon realized he was staring at Iwaizumi and his awed face soon changed to a pout.

He furrowed his eyebrows and stuck out his lips "Iwa-chan, It's my birthday so you should come hang out with me right? You can come over and stay the night at my house after practice today. Pleaaaaaase?" Oikawa said still pouting.

Iwaizumi grunted and started walking away. He continued walking until he heard a loud thump behind him. He turned his head to face the sound and he wasn't really surprised with what he saw. He saw Oikawa throwing a tantrum.

He was sprawled out across the ground and whining. "Iwaaaa-chaaaaaan. Iwa-chaaaan!!!!"
Iwaizumi just stared at him as he continued to say his name over and over. Iwaizumi sighed and turned around to walk away again, until he heard a scream of bloody murder. "IWA-CHAAAAAN!!!!!!" He yanked his head back. "Can you stop yelling Trashykawa?! You probably woke up the whole damn neighborhood!"

Oikawa flung himself up. He had tears and snot running down his face. "Iwa-channn.." Iwaizumi sighed again in defeat. "Yeah yeah, fine. I'll meet you after school."

Oikawas face lit up before he dried his tears and ran to Iwaizumi. He gave him a closed eye smile. Iwaizumi couldn't help but to give a small smile back. Oikawa was a pretty boy. He never had a moment in which he wasn't making people drop from his gorgeous looks, or that's what most people thought at least. Iwaizumi has seen all of Oikawa's sides, Good and bad.
Or most of them at least.

"Hey Oikawa..?" Iwaizumi said softly while staring at the path ahead of them. Oikawa hummed in response. "Your an ugly cryer" Iwaizumi smiled innocently at his friend.
"GAH- Iwa-Chan! Your so mean to me!!" He pouted as Iwaizumi just laughed.

Oikawa glared at his friend for a moment before giving him a twisted smirk.
"What? Why are you staring like that?" Iwaizumi said as he pushed down the hair on his head in a nervous manner.
Oikawa stopped in his tracks and looked at Iwaizumi. "Your going to tell me what you was trying to say this morning in the gym when you come over tonight."

Iwaizumi went pale.
"It's not really important.."

"Good. Then you'll be able to tell me easily." Oikawa skipped ahead a bit before turning around to his friend.
"Go back to hell-"
"Ah-ah-ahh, Iwa Chan," Oikawa took a finger and placed it on Oikawa's chest before continuing with a teasing look on his face, "it's my birthday, gotta treat me nicely."

"Welp, I'm heading off to class. I've got a test I need to study for. Bye Iwa-Chan." He winked. "See you tonight."

Iwa watched his friends back skipping towards to school before mumbling some curse words at the boy. He sighed. with a bit of a smile tugging at his lips, he mumbled,

"What an idiot."

(A/N- uh.. Hope you liked the first chapter. Leave a vote and comment if you want more. This isn't great cause I'm typing this on my phone, and I've not been writing long. But even so I'll try to improve. Ty for reading!)❤️😬

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