Chapter 10

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  Oikawa's face showed gilt, sadness, loneliness, and Iwaizumi saw all of it. He sighed for what felt like the thousandth time today. "I guess it can wait until after we eat." Iwaizumi concluded as he ran a hand through his dark hair.

"Yeah.." Oikawa said nervously as he looked down.  After the heavy air faded, they continued their breakfast as they normally would. Talking about school and volleyball.

Oikawa stood up and grabbed both of their empty plates and walked them to the sink. "Hey Oikawa."

Oikawa turned off the faucet and directed his attention to Iwa. "Hmm?"

Iwaizumi was facing the other direction  as he spoke in a surprisingly shy manmer. "It.. Was good. You should cook more often."

Oikawa's eyes widened slightly, as he started in awe at his oddly considerate friend. He quickly looked to the floor and walked to his seat again.
"O-okay." Was all he managed to stuttered out.

After a while of talking, laughing, cringing, and acting like any pair of best friends would do, Iwaizumi suddenly got a bit serious.

"So-" Iwaizumi started.

Oikawa shuffled his legs anxiously and bit his lip while waiting for Iwaizumi to continue. Iwaizumi looked up from his plate to Oikawa.
"What's going on?.." He asked in a stern tone, only showing his worried thoughts through the glim in his eyes.

Oikawa sat silently for a few seconds, thinking of what he should say. "Uhm- Strange? W-what do you mean Iwa-chan..?" Oikawa questioned with a unsettling voice.

"Oikawa, you know you can tell me anything right?"

Oikawa plastered a forced smile into his face.
"Haha.. Really there's nothing wrong-"

"Oikawa, don't lie to me, and wipe that fake smile off of your face." Iwaizumi demanded as he rested his head on the palm of his hand, his elbow being supported by the wooden table.

Oikawa jumped in surprise, as his smile suddenly faded to a frown. Iwaizumi  furrowed his brows and suddenly sighed after a few seconds of silence. "Oikawa, why won't you tell me what your thinking anymore? Don't hide things from me, it pisses me off. Aren't I your best friend?.." Iwaizumi questioned with a slightly loud and reckless voice. "OIKAWA, ANSWER ME! TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!"

Oikawa was surprised at first, he couldn't believe what his best friend was saying. The person that understood him better then anyone else in the world. The person that always kept him on the right path was now the reason he was lost. Oikawa furrowed his brows as anger built up inside of him. He snapped.

"What do you know?! You act like you know everything about me! Well you don't! You don't understand what I feel, or what I have to go through when I'm near you. Have you even considered that you may be the reason I'm acting strange?!?!"

Oikawa screamed as he slammed his fist against the table. Hot tears slid down his flushed cheeks as he tried to calm his racing heart, which felt like it could burst any moment.

Iwaizumi was silent as he was at a loss for words. How should he respond to that? After a few moments Oikawa stood up, wiping the tears from his eyes and regaining his composure.

"I'm going home.. Thanks for letting me stay over." He said as he walked out of the kitchen. Iwaizumi felt like running after him, but what would he say? How was he supposed to approach the situation he's in right now?

Iwa cringed at the thought of doing nothing. He heard the front door click and then shut nearly as quickly as it had opened.. Oikawa was gone.

Iwaizumi sighed in defeat. 'I'll talk to him tomorrow..' He said in his head.


Oikawa was already at home, which isn't surprising since he ran all the way from Iwaizumi's house without stopping once. He opened his front door. Looking around the dimly lit living room and dusty furniture that hadn't been cleaned since the last time his mother was home, Which was nearly a month ago.

Oikawa traveled past the living room and headed up the creaky stairs. He threw his bag down into the floor and plopped down onto his soft bed. You would think returning home to a soft warm bed would be perfect.

But in Oikawa's case, he much rather be at Iwaizumi's house cuddling up on a cheap futon. No matter if he was one mile or one hundred miles away from home, when he was Iwaizumi, he felt at home. Oikawa sighed into his pillow, and while in deep thought, soon dozed off.

Iwaizumi on the other hand was too worried to sleep. What if Oikawa never talked to him again? And why was he so angry? The words Oikawa screamed at Iwa-Chan replayed over and over in Iwaizumi's head as If it was a broken record.

"You don't understand what I feel, or what I have to go through when I'm near you. Have you even considered that you may be the reason I'm acting strange?!?!"

It played over and over in his mind without any breaks. Iwa clenched his teeth and clicked his tongue. What did Oikawa mean by what he said?..
Before he knew it, Iwaizumi Had been laying there Until 4am thinking until he finally calmed his nerves enough to get some sleep.

Tomorrow is another day, and Iwaizumi had decided to try and ask Oikawa about it. About what he said. And most importantly, to apologize for what Iwa had said. But first thing is first.


(A/N: THANK YOUUUUU FOR WAITING. MY GOD IM OBSESSED WITH MTSTIC MESSENGER OH HELP. Leave a like and comment for more. ^^^ always appreciated. Xoxo.)

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