"agh, shit."

changkyun signed climbing to his feet as he made his way to the light switch.

"what the fuck?" he muttered to himself as he attempted to switch the light on and off, changkyun sighed and shrugged his shoulders reaching for the doorknob to leave the classroom.

before his fingers could reach the metal his wrist was slammed against the door and a body was pressed against his back.

"miss me?"

changkyun's eyes almost fell out of his skull as recognized the voice of jooheon dusting his ear. he watched as the older boy clicked the lock leaving the two in a locked dark classroom.

"didn't you know geography was moved into classroom 3A due to electrical problems?" jooheon laughed airily.

"what do you even want from me jooheon? you hate me, this is weird."

"i only hate you because i want you so bad," jooheon whispered huskily putting more truth into his words than he expected.

changkyun shivered but regained his self-control, "well i don't want you, so get off of me, now!"

"oh changkyun, i was sure after this morning you'd want me to touch you again."

the smaller boy gasped as he felt jooheon's tongue glide across his neck.

"s-stop this is, this is wrong, we're enem-aah!"

jooheon sensually rubbed changkyun's right nipple with his free hand grinning at the sounds the other boy was making.

"it feels good doesn't it?"

"n-no a-ah," changkyun was desperately trying to protest but his body was insanely sensitive and jooheon seemed to be ridiculously good with his hands.

"no? well, i'm sure i can make it feel better."

"what are you- a-ah oh my god," changkyun moaned loudly as jooheon began palming him.

"how about now baby, feel good?" jooheon smiled picking up his pace.

"n-no! s-stop a-ah i-i will, a-ah," sweat formed at the back of changkyun's neck as he felt a familiar twinge in his gut, already? this was not possible? he never was this fast.

as much as he wanted to stop himself from pushing into the older boy's touch, it felt so good, his legs were even beginning to wobble.

"baby, i love hearing you like this, but you can't be so stubborn," jooheon sighed returning his hands to changkyun's torso, touching everywhere but his growing buldge.

"why did you-"

"so you do like it when i touch you," jooheon giggled devilishly.

"this is stupid, you can't just begin to get me off and not finish, it's unfair, even if you don't like the person."

"i can do whatever i want baby," jooheon grabbed a hold of changkyun's neck and brought his mouth to his ear growling, "i'm in control."

changkyun's breath hitched his back completely arched against jooheon's body, goosebumps began to arise all over his body.

he should be yelling for help, feeling intimidated, or at least trying to stop the older boy, but he was only getting more turned on, changkyun was very frustrated to say the least.

a loud knock came from the door on the other side of the classroom.

"anyone in there? electrician's here!"

jooheon smiled and draped his arm around changkyun's waist dragging the dazed boy to the door.

"stop! they'll know we were doing stuff, i still..." changkyun blushed looking at his pants.

he covered himself with both hands as the laughing older boy threw open the door and grinned.

"sorry sir, my boyfriend and i just wanted to uh," jooheon smirked, "talk, before we went to class."

"i see," the electrician laughed watching the older boy as he winked at him.

changkyun could only stare at his feet in shame, he couldn't believe he let jooheon take advantage of him. this could not, and would not happen to lim changkyun, never.

the small boy stood as tall as he could and stared hauntingly into the eyes of the now afraid man.

"we're not dating," changkyun shoved jooheon harshly away from him shooting fire from his irises, "i hate him."

and with that changkyun held his head high giving jooheon a look of disgust before walking away.


changkyun showered three times before crawling into bed that night.

after the third attempt of washing away the feeling of jooheon's hands he gave up.

he hated to think about it.

he hated to even admit it gave him pleasure.

he hated lee jooheon.

changkyun rolled over and opened his home screen on his phone.

(2) new messages from: kihunty

kihunty: is u ded?

kihunty: hoe srsly where r u


kihunty: WHO DID U FUK

changkunt: my dear lord jesus christ i did not fuck anyone

kihunty: then whats the noose

changkunt: ok so u kno the dick i played that prank on

kihunty: yeees how did that shit go

changkunt: ok so basically here's the deal, it was funni as shit and then i felt bad because i found out they would have to take away his little sister's (SUPER FUCKUGN CUTE KID HOLY SHTI) ballet to pay for the damage i did, so i ended buying his textbooks anonymously for him and FUCKING NOW HE'S MESSING WITH ME

kihunty: you're actually a nice person ???


changkunt: this fucking morning he strolls into my homeroom like a cocky little bitch and stARTED TOUCHING ME AND I WAS LIKE WTF and then in geo we moved classrooms becuase of eletrical and h e lo cke d me i n t he d ar ka ss c l ass r o om wi t h hi m AND FUCKIN STARTED TODCUHING ME AGAIN

kihunty: what the actual fuck why is your life a reality tv show im ???

kihunty: but did it feel good tho?

changkunt: ...

kihunty: OH MY GOD IT SO DID

changkunt: for the record i wasn't looking at him both of the times

kihunty: is he hot?

changkunt: meh

kihunty: would you fucc him if you didn't hate him

changkyun: idk mayb

kihunty: i still can't beleaf u get so much dick

kihunty: i want the succ

changkunt: be a go getter ki bb

kihunty: don't call me fukin ki bb ever again

changkunt: goodnight ki bb i'm going to bed, ily


kihunty: ilysm txt me ur drama w/ lover boy tomorrow :))))

changkunt: night lmao

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