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changkyun's jaw dropped as he whipped open the door after beating momo there.

there stood the infamous jooheon accompanied by hyunwoo and an extremely ill-looking hoseok.

"he said to bring him here, he told us hyungwon knew what to do, whatever that means," jooheon grunted shifting hoseok's weight.

"what the fuck did you do?" hyungwon grabbed at hoseok and then realizing he couldn't carry the boy he beckoned them inside the house quickly.

"momo! get jeongyeon, quick!"

"we didn't do anything to him," hyunwoo said as he lifted hoseok onto a sofa.

"i don't mean like that you idiot! what fucking drug did you do? jesus.

"how did you-"

"we did molly," jooheon sighed like it was nothing.

"molly!? what the actual fuck hyunwoo, you of all people should know hoseok can't smoke weed nevertheless fucking molly, you dumb fucks, shit, shit," hyungwon crouched beside hoseok.

"loosen the reins a little sweetheart, molly isn't even bad."

hyungwon twisted around and glared at jooheon, "you," he stormed right up to him looking him straight in the eyes, "you have no fucking right. hoseok had a fucking seizure that almost took his life last year because of fucking pot. i know it's just god damn pot but it endangers his fucking life. so tell me again again to loosen the reins, i will fucking beat your ass."

(a/n: okay i literally know nothing about drugs/reactions to drugs but like i think this seems fairly realistic, i hope this isn't too cringe ???)

the shorter boys lips parted in astonishment and guilt, "i had no idea i-"

"that's damn right you clueless piece of shit, and hyunwoo," he turned to the other boy anger written on all corners of his face, "i want you to know that i hate your fucking guts. you know what happened last year, you were the waiting room with us for christ's sake. you were there rubbing my god damn back when they said it would most likely be fatal! you are a terrible person, were you trying to kill him? i hope you never show your face here again," hyungwon was full on crying now as jeongyeon ran into the living room.

"master hyungwon! are you alright?" 

"i'm fine, it's my..." hyungwon paused for a moment, "it's my boyfriend, he had a reaction to drugs again, i think he might have another seizure, what do we do?"

"stay calm, i'll examine him and see what i can do," jeongyeon walked over to the boy and checked over some things before looking worriedly up at hyungwon, "we need to get him to a hospital, right now."

after that all was chaos.

hyungwon was crying and barking orders and fighting with jooheon and hyunwoo, changkyun did everything he could to get them out of the house, and jeongyeon was scrambling around trying to figure out what to do. 

luckily, seven minutes later all the boys along with jeongyeon were packed into changkyun's range rover as they sped off to the hospital.


changkyun hated hospitals.

he hated anything that reminded him of his sister.

although most memories he had of her were vague he remembered the day she died crystal clear.

the dragged out beeping sound, the whirl of people, the sound of his parents crying, the nurses huddling into her room as their tears fell.

most of all he remembered her face. she was still stunning, even in her passing.

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