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"am i a bad person?" changkyun rolled over and propped his head underneath his chin.

"of course not! why would you say that?"

"i don't know soo i just feel like a bad person you know. i've done something really terrible to someone. i did something to help it but i still feel bad."

"that's surprising."

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"you're usually so stone cold...who have you gone soft for? a boy? are you dating someone? do you have a crush?!"

changkyun scowled even though kyungsoo couldn't see his expression, "no way, this guy is terrible and rude, and he's done bad things to me."

"then why do you feel bad?"

"he had people to take care of and i kind of messed things up for them."

"listen changkyun, i'm sure whatever you did can't be that terrible, you didn't murder anyone. you are really not that nasty and if the guy was rude then he deserves it. i've got to go to bed, i'll see you tomorrow."

"alright hon, see you later."


changkyun groaned and laid back in his bed closing his eyes.

incoming call from: x-xxx-xxxx

the small boy jumped out of his skin before realizing it was just his phone. he scratched his head and stared at the unknown number. he bit his lips and decided to answer.



a deep voice echoed on the other line.

"who is this?"

"is this lim changkyun?"

changkyun sighed, the voice sounded so sweet and low. it was soothing and somewhat arousing with the exhaustion that deluded his brain.


"hyunwoo gave me your number, we have to start that thing."


"it's jooheon. lee jooheon. we have a project."

changkyun sat up wide-eyed and slightly disturbed by himself, "why are you calling me? it's almost midnight! how did you get my number? ugh! couldn't you have just worked in class tomorrow, why are you suddenly so interested? we haven't even decided on a country because you won't do anything-"

"changkyun, i get it, my mom has just been bugging me about school lately so...i figured this would need to happen sooner or later."

"how did hyunwoo even give you my number?'

"he showed me it in his phone? how else would he have given it to me?"

"i thought he hated you."

"why in the world would he hate me?"

"but i thought-"

"oh right. i almost forgot your "hilarious" prank. fortunately hyunwoo isn't a materialistic cunt like you."

"excuse me, but you-"

"changkyun i don't give a shit about what you have to say, you're an asswipe, but i still have to do this project with you."

changkyun clenched his jaw and made a sour face, "you're a fucking dick."

"okay, you know what, i try with you, i really do, but you aren't even willing to have a proper conversation with me without fucking yelling at me for no reason. yeah maybe i did one somewhat bad thing to you but jesus christ you didn't have to fucking tell everyone about my personal life or fucking put god damn soil in my fucking locker! lim changkyun you are awful, incredibly and terribly awful, you're a shitty person, you have this horrible bitchy personality and act like you fucking own everything and everyone when really all you are is this short pretentious whore that has money and a pretty face, you should feel terrible about yourself, you are just truly awful lim changkyun."

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