Minizerk ~ Poorly

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Couldn't think of a title, figured this would do.If there's anything you want just let me know (as a comment or pm I don't mind) and there's a note from me at the end if you are interested. 

"Josh is today another bad day? Mummy said that you didn't play yesterday because you were having a bad day, is this another one?" Simon asked Josh curiously.

"Not like yesterday, I think we can play today" Josh replied

"Oooooh yay! Can we play with the dolls again?" Simon asked bouncing slightly in his bed, the hat perched on his head slipped over his eyes as he did so and he huffed frustrated as soon as he noticed.

Josh chuckled as he slowly leant over to the small unit to his left and picked up the pack of cards on top of it "Only until doctor Jones comes in, I've got another scan today remember."

"Is it true you're really poorly, more poorly than me?" Simon asked as Josh carefully dealt the cards into two piles. "Because Nick said so, and mummy made him stop so I could never ask?"

Josh looked down to his bony fingers and sighed quietly before looking back up to the small blue eyed boy in front of him. "I'm not sure, we're just different types of poorly don't worry about what Nick tells you"

"It's your birthday tomorrow isn't it, I'm excited I made you something specially, eight is really big" Simon said excitedly as he took his pile of cards from Josh. "not as big as my brothers though, or mummy" Simon added thoughtfully.

Josh nodded in agreement "Yours is in four days isn't it, I'll make you something too" Josh decided.

The door opened suddenly and Doctor Jones a friendly looking middle aged woman walked in followed by two trainees in their mid to late twenties.

"Awwww Doctor, we were just about to play" Simon whined.

"I'm not taking Josh just yet you can finish your game, these two are just practising rounds"

"Ooh I know this" Simon sat up straighter watching the newcomers eagerly.

"I know you know it but Doctor Smith and Doctor James don't, so let's quiz them yes?" Doctor Jones smiled and straightened Simon's hat briskly. "so Doctor Smith, let's hear about Simon here"

Doctor Smith a petite blonde woman steeped forward a little before starting shakily. "uh, Simon Minter age 7"

"Seven and 361 days" Simon corrected

"right" the doctor chucked nervously "seven and 361 days, currently undiagnosed, hospitalised six months ago for treatment and observation"

"That's enough. Now Doctor James what about Josh?"

"I know this too" Simon interjected as a young black haired man stepped forward to speak.

"Joshua Bradley, eight years old tomorrow. Diagnosed a year ago with medulloblastoma. Current treatment plan is radiation therapy and possible surgery in the future if the tumour becomes operable with the treatment plan"

"He already had a surgery, they are thinking of doing a second to cut the bad out" Simon added and Doctor Jones nodded.

"Josh, Simon we are going to go finish rounds, finish your game then I'll come get Josh ready for his scan"


"Happy Birthday Josh!" Simon exclaimed as soon as Josh woke up the next morning. The boy in question smiled a little as he stretched out and began to sit up. Simon who was always far more energetic than Josh leapt out of bed and handed the other boy a small neatly wrapped package.

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