Minizerk-Engaged (royal au)

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This is 2793 words. I have no idea what possessed me to write this much. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes I tried to check it but it's long so I'm bound to have missed something (adding corrections 27th August)

Simon hated portrait sittings, every year a just before his birthday he was forced to get a new one done, in addition to the ones done every 4 months. The one before his birthday was different though. That one was sent to the foreign prince he had been betrothed to since the day he was born. They had never been allowed to meet, they wouldn't until the day of their wedding. All Simon and the Prince he was engaged to knew about one another were their names, what they looked like in their portraits and that they would be married on Simons 21st birthday.
Simon didn't want to marry anyone, especially not a prince he had never met who looked considerably older than Simon himself. However Simon had no choice, he was the second son of the King. While he had no throne to inherit his duty as prince had to come first. It wasn't about him, his life had never been about him it was about his duty to the people, to his father.
"Prince Simon would you mind facing towards that tapestry a little" the portrait painter requested  politely. Simon smiled graciously at the painter and obediently turned his head.
"Simon stop looking sad" Simons older brother interrupted as he entered the room. Obediently Simon blinked quickly and carefully adjusted his facial expression. He shouldn't be upset, his life wasn't bad, no one really chose who they married anyway. "That's it little bro"
The portrait was finished 4 hours later (having taken 8 hours in total) and the moment Simon could leave he ran down to the Knights training grounds.
He quickly began sparring with one of the Knights and easily beat him and a couple of others. As the sun began to set most of the Knights began to leave until only one remained.
"JJ you wanna try to beat me again?" Simon called to the only other person currently there as he grabbed his sword out.
"My prince why are you still here?" JJ asked staring at the young prince confused.
"I'm always here JJ what do you mean?" Simon asked "also cut the prince rubbish"
"Aren't Prince Joshua and his delegation arriving today"
"Oh fuck" Simon gasped. He looked down at his clothes and realised he was covered with sweat and muck. His mother was going to kill him. "I'll see you soon JJ" Simon yelled racing towards through back door of the castle trying to reach his rooms without being caught by his mother or helpers.
As he got to the top of the stairs he stopped dead. There was his mother, looking at him with an annoyed look in her eye. "You young man are very lucky that they have not arrived yet"
Simon looked down sheepishly "I'm sorry mother"
"Thank you Simon, it had better be on your best behaviour tonight. Do not try to speak to or even look at Prince Joshua, you know the rules and you know this has to go perfectly" Simon nodded dutifully and allowed two of the servants to direct him into his room and help dress him for the evening.
The evening passed slowly, Simon was not allowed in the same room as Prince Joshua so spent half of the evening in other more quiet rooms until he and Josh changed places and Simon was allowed to return to the party.
"Simon this is King John and Queen Eleanor they are Prince Josh's parents" Simons father introduced him to his future husbands parents.
"I am pleased to meet you both your highnesses" Simon bowed his head a little respectfully.
"We are pleased to meet you too." King John told him.
"Oh you've grown into such a handsome young man. You were just a baby the last time I saw you" The Queen Eleanor gushed.
Before Simon could thank her the King spoke again. "I hear you are a skilled swordsman, my son is very skilled himself. Perhaps you could both practise together once you are married."
"I'm sure I would love that"
"Oh Mary he and Josh seem perfect for one another" Eleanor told Simons mother excitedly.
"Oh believe me I know" Simons mum replied as the two women launched into conversation.
"So Simon perhaps you might like to meet Josh's best friends as you can't meet him. So you know what to expect when you do" King John offered.
"Oh I'm sure he would love that." Simons father interjected. "Perhaps Josh might like to do the same with Simons friend?" He offered.
"Sounds perfect old friend" King John replied.
"Simon go fetch Vikram please then come back here"
"Of course father. It was a pleasure to meet you your highness" Simon said as he excused himself from the conversation to find Vik.
"Vik my father told me to fetch you. Since Josh and I can't meet they want us to get to know each others friends. So you get to meet him."
"Um right okay sure"
"Don't say anything bad to him. And tell me everything okay"
"Of course Simon"
"Simon this is Sir Tobi Brown. He is Josh's childhood friend." Simons father said.
"Your highness" Tobi bowed.
"It's lovely to meet you Sir Tobi. Please feel free to call me Simon. Now come we can talk some place more quiet. I would love to find out more about my future husband" Simon said in a friendly tone.
"So Tobi tell me what he's like" Simon said leaning toward Tobi eagerly. He had take Tobi to a living room so they could talk more candidly.
"He's friendly, smart and he loves to have fun. He's always there for me."
"He sounds like a good man" Simon said relieved. His biggest worry was about who Josh would be as a person but it seemed those worries were not needed.
"So what was he like?" Simon asked Vik as they ate breakfast the following morning.
"Friendly, he says some random things but it's all in good fun. You and him will get on perfectly."
"You don't know how relieved that's made me" Simon told Vik gratefully. "Does he look like his portraits?"
"Not a lot no"
"Is that good or bad"
"Not telling"
Simon found himself at the training grounds after breakfast, it was much busier than usual with the Knights from Prince Joshua's kingdom visiting. Simon ignored that and instead put his armour on and grabbed his sword out. He left the helmet off as he wandered around looking for JJ. Quickly finding him at the far corner doing push-ups.
"JJ you want to practise with me?"
"When do I not want to man?" He asked getting up and putting his helmet on as Simon did the same.
Whenever Simon and JJ fought it lasted a long time. They had been practising together for as long as they could remember and knew each other's strengths and weaknesses better than their own. Yet still Simon consistently won their fights, he was lighter and faster while JJ was all about power.
The fight ended with JJ on the floor and Simon stood above him victoriously. Simon quickly helped JJ up again. "Round two?" He asked JJ happily.
"I'll pass for today man" JJ replied shooting Simon a smile once he had removed his helmet once more.
"I'll fight you" an unfamiliar voice called out to Simon as an armoured man just shorter than Simon stepped out to face him. All Simon could see were his eyes, which were friendly and a dark greenish blue. (Sorry if it's wrong in couldn't find pictures it was clear in)
"You ready?" Simon asked bouncing on the balls of his feet eagerly. The man nodded and they began to fight.
It was a much closer fight that Simon had been in for a long time. They went back and forth meeting each stroke of their opponents sword with their own sword. They began to draw a crowd because of how long the fight was lasting. Whenever one of them got the upper hand it only lasted a second before they were once more on equal footing.
Vik arrived at the training ground midway through the fight and knew immediately who both men were. Oh they were screwed, this wasn't right he had to stop this. They couldn't know who each other were and Vik had to ensure it.
By the time Vik had figured out a plan to remove Simon the fight ended. Both men were on the floor breathing heavily while their swords were tossed across the floor away from them both.
Vik raced across the grounds to the pair of them. He reached them just as they both removed their helmets.  Thinking quickly he grabbed Simons wrist before either men got proper looks at one another and dragged him back to the castle.
"What are you doing Vik!?" Simon exclaimed as Vik tugged him up the stairs to his rooms.
"I can't explain. Besides the Queen wanted to see you"
"As in my mum?"
"Yes she wanted to see you, I'll go let her know you're just getting changed and will be there shortly" Vik said before running out of the room to the queens tea room. He regained his breath and knocked confidently on the door. A maid opened it but upon seeing you was at the door the queen stood and walked to the door to meet him.
"You look stressed Vikram what's wrong?" The queen asked softly
"I'm so sorry" Vik took a deep breath "Prince Simon was out training like he usually does and he needed up fighting Prince Joshua. As soon as I realised I pulled him away I don't think either of them realised. I'm sorry your highness"
"Oh Vikram it's alright. You stopped them from meeting, you did wonderfully. Now don't worry I will handle this. You go enjoy yourself. I think Prince Joshua's friend quite liked you" the Queen replied confidently before heading purposefully down the hallway as Vik blushed profusely.
"Mum are you serious?"
"Deadly serious Simon. You are almost 21 and you will be married in six days and have to carry out royal duties in another country. You must be ready."
"But no training at all? Mother please just a few minutes a day, I cannot get rusty" Simon whined
"It is only for two weeks. Once you are living with Prince Joshua and his family you can resume your training. For now you must learn your future duties"
Simon nodded sadly, he knew he had to suck it up his duties were more important than his hobby. He had to do this right, for his parents, older brother, and the people of the kingdom he had always called home.
"Mum how often can I visit you, father and Nick?"
"I don't suppose it will be much more than 2 or three times a year but we will visit you also"
"I will miss you mum" Simon said wrapping his arms around his mothers body in a hug.
"I will miss you too, my precious little prince"
Simon had made it 3 days without sneaking out to the training grounds but by the fourth day he was growing restless. So on the fourth night two days before his wedding he snuck out to the training ground to take out his nerves and restlessness out on some dummies.
"I didn't expect anyone else to be out there at this time" a vaguely familiar voice called to Simon who tried to ignore it and kept swinging.
"You want to spar, you look like you need it?" the person said again.
"Yes please" Simon replied turning to face the person. He was just shorter than Simon with short very dark brown hair and a beard. His eyes in this light looked much darker than they had at their first encounter a few days previously.
"You're off your game" the stranger told Simon as he knocked him to the floor.
"Well duh I haven't been out here in four days and I'm really stressed."
"Wanna go again, I think you could use it" the stranger offered.
"I'd love to but I need to get back, see you around though" Simon offered. It took until Simon was back in his room that he realised the man had not recognised him as the prince which had been strangely relieving.
"Hey baby bro get up" Nicks voice rang throughout Simons rooms.
"What do you want?" Simon asked burying his face in his pillows.
"You're getting married tomorrow baby brother. One last spar before you're a married man"
"You know you're gonna lose right"
"Oh I know, this is for you though. I know you've been busy lately"
Simon hadn't lost to Nick in 15 years and he wasn't going to start the night before his wedding.
"You get better and better at this Simon" Nick mused pulling Simon gently to the floor beside him. Both men looked up to the stars as they spoke. "You're so talented"
"You're just saying that because you know I'm leaving soon"
"Yes and no baby bro. You're good at this and I don't want to find out you've stopped just because you're married"
"I don't intend to Nick"
"Josh is a good man Simon. You'll be fine"
"I've heard that" Simon said softly.
"I'm gonna miss you Simon" Nick said turning his head to see the side of Simons face.
"Well you'd better visit as much as you can then" Simon replied cheekily.
"Oh my baby boy" Simons mum gushed seeing her youngest son dressed for his wedding. "You look so grown up. It feels like only yesterday I was pregnant with you and now here we are"
"Mum stop I don't want you to cry" Simon told his mum as he gave her a tight hug.
"I will see you soon my beautiful baby" his mum assured him before kissing his cheek and leaving him alone in the room.
A few minutes later the door opened and Simons father slipped in.
"Are you ready Simon?" He asked offering his arm.
"Of course" Simon replied as he linked his arm with his fathers and they left the room.  The walk to the castles chapel seemed longer than ever before. Despite everyone's assurances that Josh was a good man Simon was still nervous. He couldn't let his parents down and mess this up.
Simons father tapped the chapel door twice and moments later the music changed. the doors opened and Simon and his father began their walk down the isle. 
Simons eyes flitted around the room briefly taking in the packed pews before his attention was entirely focused on the man at the end of the isle.
Prince Joshua was certainly a handsome man but to Simon he looked very familiar. Simon realised why about halfway up the isle. He was the man Simon had fought those couple of times in the last week.
The wedding took a while, because it had to have a whole load of formalities. Simon knew his role perfectly, he had been learning his whole life and he was sure Josh was the same so the service went off without a hitch. There was only one part Simon had not rehearsed, the kiss at the end and he had no idea what to expect.
"You many now kiss" the priest told Simon and Josh. Simon leant forward slightly and Josh met him in the middle with a gentle kiss. They broke apart promptly held hands tightly as they smiled to the guests. They were quickly escorted out to another room so the guests could move to the great hall before Simon and Josh would later join them.
"Well I guess we screwed up a little"
"What do you mean Simon, if I can call you that?"
"Of course you can we are married. I meant we weren't supposed meet but we did"
"That doesn't matter now, we did it" Josh assured Simon. "Side note you look much better than in your portraits"
"Same goes for you Josh" Simon replied giggling. This was a good start, he and Josh got on well and Josh was very easy on the eyes. They could do this, they could cement positive relations entered their kingdoms and make their families proud.
7 Years Later
"What should we name her" Josh asked as he wrapped his arms around Simon while they looked down at the small baby in the crib next to them.
"How about Elsie? You can choose her middle name"
"I love it, how's Elsie Rose sound to you" Josh suggested and Simon nodded gently turning to face Josh and pressing a kiss on his cheek.
"I'm so glad I have you" Simon admitted "I love you so much"
"I love you too Simon"

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