Ministar- Marriage

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"Let's get this straight, I'm only agreeing with this marriage for my mothers sake." Simon told Vik angrily as he slammed the apartment door shut behind him. Vik looked at him with wide helpless eyes and nodded timidly.

A flicker of regret appeared in Simons eyes as he realised how harsh he sounded but he couldn't take it back now "You don't have to worry, I'm never going to touch you. You can have your space and I get mine. I just wanted to make my mum happy alright"

Vik nodded again biting his lip harshly to stop himself saying anything while Simon continued.

"Here are your keys. Don't lose them. This is the kitchen, use whatever if something runs out write it on a post it note on the fridge, that's the living room there's Netflix and that's about it. The wifi code is in that notebook there. The bathroom is the first door on the left, your room is next to it. If you need me although I'd rather you didn't I am in the first room on the right but don't disturb me if the light above the door is on" Simon explained to Vik as quickly as he could. "Any questions?"

"No, thank you" Vik shot a small smile at Simon who immediately nodded and strode into his room the light flicked in seconds later. Vik looked around the apartment, it was very clean and minimalistic, it didn't look at all lived in or homely but Vik knew he just had to get used to it.

He let himself into his room and was relieved to see that it was a little more homely than the rest of the apartment. A wooden double bed was pushed to one side of the room with an empty pin board above it. There was a wardrobe next to the bed and a large desk in the opposite corner, next to that was a large window. Vik knew he could get used to his new room, it was similar in size to his old one and there was plenty of space for a new set up for gaming.

Simons words still filled Vik's head, of course Vik had known it was just an arranged marriage, that Simon had never really wanted it but he had hoped Simon would try and give Vik a chance. It was clear Simon wanted nothing to do with him so Vik resolved to give him just that, it was after all Simons home he was invading, the least he could do was respect the fact Simon didn't want him around and keep to himself as much as possible.

Vik unpacked his two small bags quickly, then cautiously he peeked out of his bedroom to see Simons light was still on. He closed the bedroom door softly behind him and looked around the apartment his eyes settling on the balcony which Simon had not mentioned to him.

Vik walked towards the balcony as quietly as he could not wanting to disturb Simon. He slipped onto the balcony making sure to wedge the door open so he couldn't be locked out. It was already dark out and the city lights were gleaming brightly, Vik sat on the floor enjoying peacefulness of the cool breeze on his body, the distant noises of traffic and people didn't disturb him.

Simon hadn't asked for this and Vik felt bad Simon had gotten stuck with him. He knew Simon deserved and could get better. Simon was a good man, he was after all doing this to make his dying mother at peace to fulfill her wish for him to the best of his ability. Vik loved that the man he was going to marry was such a brilliant selfless person he just wished Simon at least wanted to give him a chance.


Simon almost regretted being so harsh with Vik he hadn't meant to seem mean or angry. It seemed the stress of his mothers illness and the pressure to make her as happy as he could was getting to him. Vik was a lovely young man, like Simon his parents had arranged the marriage, Vik had agreed more easily to it. He was much more obedient and agreeable than Simon, he worked hard to please everyone and put himself behind everyone else.

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