Emon-Its All Coming Back

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Inspired in part by song in media. Not based on it.

Ethan and Simon had drifted apart over the years, to the point that they hadn't spoken in over three years. Part of that was becoming busy and not having the time but most of it was due to their failed relationship and the gradual breakdown of the sidemen. Their relationship had gone well for almost a year, perfectly almost. They were deeply in love with one another, almost never apart, almost never arguing (at least not until the last couple of months). Yet all good things must come to an end and that's what their relationship and the Sidemen did.
Now Simon was finally returning to London, the place he had always felt most at home after three long years away. Yet somehow being back felt more alien than any other place had ever felt. The bustling streets no longer felt like home, they were almost overwhelming.
Which was why Simon tripped over his own feet in the middle of a busy London street.
"Are you alright" a friendly voice asked as gentle hands pulled him upright.
"Uh yeah I'm fine" Simon replied before finally looking up to see the person who had helped him.
"I'm Laura" the girl said cheerily. She was unassumingly beautiful with long mousy brown hair, amber eyes and petite features.
"I'm Simon, thanks for your help" Simon introduced himself somewhat shyly
"Anytime Simon" Laura replied smiling "Hey do you want to go get a drink, I'm meant to be meeting my cousin but I'm sure they won't mind if you tagged along"
This was a chance to finally meet new people, to properly move on from once was and focus on the future. Simon couldn't say no to that.
"If you're sure" he told Laura smiling.
"Of course I am silly, the cafe is just down here" Laura said grabbing Simons wrist and pulling him to the cafe.
"Oh there you are Laura. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show" an oddly familiar male voice greeted Simon and Laura as they entered the mostly empty cafe.
"And miss the chance to annoy you? Never!" Laura replied as the man she was talking to finally came into Simons line of sight. Simon couldn't hold his gasp in.
"Simon?" the man asked, equally as surprised as Simon.
"Ethan you know Simon?" Laura asked shocked, glancing between the two men nervously.
"You could say that yes" Ethan replied his eyes not moving from Simons. "It's been a long time"
"Too long" Simon agreed.
"I'll umm just let you two catch up" Laura said as she began to walk to a table the other side of the cafe.
Simon and Ethan were still staring as they stood in a shocked silence.
Eventually Simon broke the silence "What happened to us? Everything fell apart" Ethan didn't have anything he could tell Simon to make it okay because it just wasn't. Ethan simply opened his arms and wrapped them around Simon's chest.
"I've missed this" Simon mumbled as he buried his face into Ethan. "I've missed you"
"I've missed you too" Ethan mused as he pulled Simon closer to his body.
Finally after three long years Simon finally felt like he had come home. All of those fights he had shared with Ethan didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was here and now.
"I still love you" Simon told Ethan honestly.
Ethan pulled out of the hug a little and looked into Simons eyes. "I could never stop loving you" Ethan whispered before pressing his lips to Simons for the first time in over three years.

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