KSimon- Blind Date

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Accidentally published the wrong one so sorry about that
Let me know if you want anything in particular

"Is he hot?" That was the first and only question that came to JJ's mind when Ethan told him he had set up a blind date for him.

"Josh told me that he's good looking, so I'm gonna go with yes" Ethan said a little unsure.

"How would Josh know, he's straight"

"Look JJ I don't know okay. Just please make sure you show up"

"Or what?"

"JJ please, I won't do this again okay, just please"

JJ rolled his eyes but eventually nodded towards Ethan. "I'll turn up, I can't guarantee I'll stay though"

"That's all I ask. Now can you please wear something more presentable"

"Now you're asking way to much. This guy meets the real me, not some perfect fake me" JJ told Ethan firmly who pursed his lips slightly but eventually nodded.


"Josh I don't need setting up" Simon whined to his friend.

"I'd be inclined to disagree, you haven't gone on a date in years"

"That was my choice" Simon said unconvincingly.

"Look Simon you never know he might be what you're looking for" Josh told him "he's a nice guy, give him a shot"

Simon scowled at Josh before nodding once. "You owe me"

"Not if it goes well"

"It won't, he's knows Ethan and Harry" Simon told Josh unconvinced.

"Give him a chance"


Simon arrived at the restaurant promptly and was quickly directed to the table Josh had reserved for his blind date. He sat down quietly beginning to feel nervous as the minutes began to go with no sign of his date.

The waitress kept looking at him sympathetically and asking if he needed anything. He didn't want to go on a blind date anyway but he'd agreed to it for Josh and look where that had got him. Simon may not have wanted the blind date but being stood up sure did hurt.

"Are you Simon?" A voice asked after 30 minutes of Simon looking  down forlornly and twiddling his fingers. Simon looked up to the speaker slowly and nodded.

"Shit are you alright?" The man asked looking concerned. "I'm sorry I was so late, had to wank before I came here"

Simon scowled at the man. "You're obscene"

"You're hot" the man told him

"Oh god why did I agree to this? I hate you Josh!"

"You got forced into this too sweetheart?"

"My name is Simon"

"That's nice babe I'm JJ"

"If you don't stop being a creep I'm leaving"

"Aww don't be a spoil sport"

"I'm serious JJ"

"I get it okay, let's try again shall we?" JJ suggested.

"Alright, only because I'm really hungry right now" Simon agreed after hearing his stomach growl.

"You're not as bad as I thought" JJ told Simon as they waited for their deserts.

"What do you mean as bad as your thought"

"I kind thought you were a stuck up bitch when I met you, but you're alright plus you're hot so" JJ shrugged and grinned at Simon.

"Harsh, my first impression of you was that you were an ass, and you are but not as bad of an ass as I thought. Besides you aren't so bad looking yourself" Simon admitted to JJ

"I know this date isn't over yet but I'd really like to get to know you Simon. So do you want to go out again sometime"

"I think I would like that"

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