Minizerk- Quidditch

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Been in a Hogwarts mood because cursed child (it wasnt like amazing but I enjoyed it and I spent the hours getting tickets for November 2017) so....

Simon loved the build up to quidditch matches, he always did better under pressure so everyone's nerves around him just made him play better. Today it was the most important match of the year, gryffindor (Simons house) against last years winners slytherin and Simon was feeling the pressure.  It was his final year at Hogwarts and he had been lucky enough to have been made captain of the Gryffindor team and now he had to live up to the expectations of every gryffindor student in the school.

Simon took a deep breath and looked over his quidditch robes quickly ensuring he looked confident and prepared. Then Josh the commentator began to speak.
"Welcome fellow students to the final quidditch match of the year" a cheer came from the crowd.
"This ones an important one, both teams are tied in the standings, whoever wins today wins everything. And with that lets introduce our teams" another cheer came from the crowd this one even louder.
"First we have slytherin led by captain and beater Harry Lewis, followed by Carrie Holmes also a beater. Then the three chasers JJ Olatunji, Karen Smith and James Trott. Finally we have keeper John Trew and seeker Lucy Stevens" Josh introduced the team. "Slytherins team is looking very strong this year but can they end gryffindors 6 year winning streak?" A mediocre cheer came from the crowd.
"Now we have gryffindor, by far the favourites today so let's see how they play. First we have Simon Minter who is captain and chaser, and might I say he is looking particularly handsome in his robes today. I say" Josh was interrupted by Professor McGonagall coughing purposefully at him.
"Apparently we don't have time to marvel over just how fantastic Simon is looking today so on with the team, next we have chasers and brothers Tobi and Manny Brown  followed by beaters Ethan Payne and Maddie Riley. Next we have keeper Alice Watson and seeker Janie Cain. Another strong team here, led by a very handsome man might I add. Looks like it's going to be a close match today."
Simon was entirely unimpressed with Josh's antics, he knew the boy reasonably well since they had been sharing a room at Hogwarts for over six years but he hadn't realised Josh saw him that way and how he was consumed by wondering what all of that meant.
"Lewis and Minter shaking hands, mounting their brooms. Looks like everyone is in their positions. AND THEY ARE OFF! Tobi with the quaffle avoids a bludger from Lewis well there, passes to Manny passes to Minter. Ooooh nice dodge of Holmes' bludger from Minter and he scores! Gryffindor 10 slytherin 0. And Minters hair is perfectly windswept right now, he just looks so-" the mic was abruptly snatched by McGonagall.
"Enough Joshua!" She shouted sternly and he sheepishly nodded and quickly apologised before the mic was returned to him.
"And back to that game slytherin in possession ooh that bludger from Payne must have hurt Trott there. Gryffindor now in possession. Oh what's that Cain is diving has she seen the snitch? Stevens is on her tail, nope no snitch yet. Minter has the quaffle, now Manny ooh and he scores. Gryffindor have 20 points" a loud cheer ripped through the stadium. The game continued to be exciting after another 30 minutes the score was 40:30 and Josh had only had opportunity to put one or two compliments in for Simon.
"Minter with the quaffle again Lewis hits a bludger towards Minter" Josh stopped abruptly because much to his and most of the crowds surprise the bludger hit Simon dead on knocking him almost completely off of the broom, he dangled beneath it holding on tightly as the game paused around him. Simon swung on the broomstick until he managed to pull himself back up into his broom. "And what a show of athleticism from Minter there, he certainly is in great shape. Tobi with the quaffle, passes to Manny, Minter with the quaffle once more, he scores 50:30 Gryffindor playing well today. Minter looks hurt but he's carrying on, don't worry ladies I'll take care of him tonight. Oh what's this Cain on Stevens tail, both seekers racing to the floor, it's the snitch. They are neck and neck. It's all over Cain has the snitch. GRYFFINDOR WIN!" Josh shouted the last part and was met by the loudest cheer from the stands so far.
While most of the school was cheering the players flew back down to the ground huge smiles on every Gryffindor players faces as they praised Janie for catching the snitch. Josh's eyes however were locked in Simons face, he looked ecstatic. A huge smile filled the blonde boys face, he had led his house to victory. His blue eyes scanned the stands quickly as he took in the mass of gryffindors cheering for him and his team and eventually they landed on the stand the teachers were it, at the front of which was Josh. Simon shot a slightly nervous smile at Josh as their eyes met, Josh looked like he chucked and winked at Simon before standing up as if to leave the stand.
Later that night the gryffindor team were welcomed into the great hall at dinner with loud applause. Josh was waving his arms wildly at Simon trying to direct him to the spare seat next to him, Simon rolled his eyes a little but sat next to Josh anyway.
"Congratulations on the win, you played very well?"
"Really I wasn't sure because all joy seemed to want to talk about was how I looked."
"Oh yeah about that" Josh trailed off.
"Well go on explain" Simon prompted smiling
"Look don't be creeped out" Josh begged and waited to Simon to nod before leaning in closer and speaking quietly to Simon. "Look I really like you okay, and I saw you in your quidditch robes and I just couldn't resist."
Simon blushed a little and hid his face in Josh's shoulder to prevent anyone around them knowing. "I like you too" he whispered to Josh.

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