Minizerk - fluffy domestic thing

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Josh woke up to the sound of crying, as he always did at 4 in the morning. He began to stretch his arms out but was interrupted by a soft voice next to him.

"Don't worry about her Josh, I'll go" and Simon got up to deal with Lilly.

Josh hadn't known what to think the first time, he eventually figured it was probably a one off and Simon had just been feeling nice. Except it wasn't a one off, Simon had been staying at Josh's house for a week now and every night when Lilly woke up Simon got up to deal with her. Josh loved Simon for that, Lilly was a few months old now and was yet to master sleeping through the night, meaning Josh had been forced to get up for her every time. A weeks respite felt amazing to Josh, even if the whole arrangement seemed very domestic to Josh.

Simon later slipped back into the bed he and Josh were sharing while Simons house was repaired. "You don't have to do that Simon" Josh whispered.

"I want to" Simon assured him turning to face Josh on the bed. "Lilly is gonna be a great kid"

"I hope so, she's not surrounded by the best influences"

"What are you talking about? We're all great, you're a cool dad and the rest of us are all cool uncles"

"She probably needs a role model" Josh sounded worried so Simon took it upon himself to reassure his friend.

"Easy. Tobi is a great role model"

"And a female role model?" Josh was really doubting himself here.

"Me, I'm mummy minter aren't I?" Josh stared at Simon for a moment then fell about laughing and Simon knew he'd done a good job.

"You're ridiculous sometimes" Josh told Simon when he finished laughing.

"That's why you love me" Simon said still giggling.

Josh froze. Did he love Simon? It felt like he might.

"Are you alright? Did I creep you out?" Simon asked not letting Josh reply before he continued. "I'm really sorry I've just been thinking lately and I think I might like you as more than a friend. I'm sorry. Look the renovations on my place are nearly done, I'll stay in a hotel form tomorrow. I'm sorry Josh"

"No!" Josh shouted and Simon looked at him surprised. "I don't know what I feel. But I like taking chances. You feel like a good chance to take"

I'm happy with this one. Let me know if there's anything you want. Also thanks for reading I'm really grateful.

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