Disgusting Playboy and Curly Haired Virgin. Part 12

Start from the beginning

I was the one who cleaned up her body. A 6 year old little boy. We buried her that same day.

My dad blames me, I know he does.

I woke up sweating and breathing heavily. As many times as I've had that dream, I never cried.

I didn't cry when she died, I didn't cry at her funeral, But I glanced over at Alyx who was looking at me worriedly...I had the sudden urge to just let everything pour out.



After got inside his house, which was HUGE by the way, the maid gave me a tour showing me around literally took ten minutes, and then the rest was her talking. I couldn't even understand her, she was talking so fast. And her accent was ridiculous!

But what I did understand was when she told me I was the first girl to EVER go inside Blake's room. Surprise surprise. She even made me something to eat, I don't even know what it was! Some foreign thing, whatever it was, it was good.

After I ate, I made my way to Blake's room, taking a deep breath, I walked in. I looked around-you know this is what his room was pictured like in my mind, it fit his personality perfectly.

Wall to wall painted in a midnight blue, the whole room looked dark and mysterious, just like him, everything was dark, dark furniture, you get the point. This was really funny, because my room was the total opposite of this, bright colors were everywhere in mine.

My eyes went their own way and found Blake, shirtless-dang! Alright Alyx, you can stop staring now-Jeez weirdo-I fought with myself to reluctantly pull my gaze away and get my things together.

"Now how and where am I supposed to get changed?" I said to myself when I heard Blake move, making me jump. I looked over at him and he seemed to be having a nightmare, a really bad one at that. So like me, I got really worried and made my way to the side of the bed, almost tripping and breaking my neck due to the lack of light in here.

I sat down next to him as he kept moving around, every now and then he'd grip the blankets really hard or make a small sound. I reached out to touch him, but pulled back afraid he'd yell at me. But I was afraid he was having an asthma attack from the way he was breathing, I couldn't just leave him.

I felt so useless, I couldn't decide on whether I should wake him up or wait it out. I leaned closer to see if his breathing had calmed down. well it wasn't too bad-which meant in a way he was fine. I took my own breath of relief.

After a couple more minutes he started sweating A LOT. Which meant he was definitely having a nightmare. I got up and got any random shirt from my stuff and softly started wiping the sweat from his face and neck. I wanted to just grab him to me so badly it hurt, but I did't...I couldn't.

I reached out to touch his face to comfort him when all of a sudden his eyes flew open and he sat up, looking around, breathing heavily and still sweating. Then his eyes took hold of me, and I fell apart.

"Blake," I touched his face, wiping away the first tear that fell, "Blake...its okay, you're awake now-I'm here," I murmured softly, hoping I didn't sound like an idiot, I was probably his least favorite person and here I was trying to comfort him about something I knew nothing about. "I'm here...if you want..or need me to be", I whispered, moving his hair from his face, slowly leaning and kissing his forehead.

'Please don't be mad, I just want to help you', I thought to myself. I gazed into his beautiful blue eyes, glazed over with tears but still shining in the dark.

"Blake...are you okay?" I whispered, holding his face between my hands.


Arranging Fate (Disgusting Playboy & Curly Haired Virgin Series Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now