Chapter Ninety Five

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"Sadie is a very bad person that Baba used to know" Liam says suddenly from behind them and Zayn and Bella both snap their heads around to look at him, to see him standing in the doorway cradling Zack in his arms, and feeding him a bottle. Zayn furrows his eyebrows because not only did he not hear his husband approach he didn't hear their son wake up either, "how long...?" Zayn trails off and Liam chuckles moving closer to sit on the couch beside them as Zack eats, "a few minutes, I came down to make this Monster a bottle, when I heard you and Bella, so I came to see how it was going" Liam explains. Bella cuddles further into Zayn with a yawn and he tightens his arms instinctively around her, "bad dream Daddy" Bella murmurs and Liam pouts, "I'm sorry Princess, is Baba making it better?" he hums and Bella nods her head, gripping onto Zayn's shirt a little more, "Baba always makes better" Bella murmurs and Zayn can't help but coo, and he hopes he's always able to fix things for her. Zayn watches as Zack apparently finishes his bottle, pushing it out of his mouth, and letting out a short cry, so Liam switches his position to burp him quickly, as soon as he's cradling him again Bella is making grabby hands for her brother, "give Zacky" she insists and Zayn chuckles, shaking his head as Liam arches an eyebrow at her, "please?" she adds and Liam smiles, carefully passing the baby into Bella's (and Zayn's) arms. Bella snuggles Zack close to her and leans down to kiss his forehead, "no let get hurt" she promises before she kisses him again, and Zayn feels like he's going to melt into a puddle at how sweet it all is.

When Zayn wakes up again it's to the sound of two very annoyed cries coming through the monitor and to an empty bed, which is confusing considering when he fell asleep both Liam and Bella were cuddled beside him. Pushing himself up so he can climb out of bed Zayn notes it's still fairly early, but the twins always wake up around now, so he's not surprised at all. "Baba's here, you're okay" Zayn coos as he shuffles into the room, scooping Chloe out of her crib to change her first, as she seems to get a rash faster than her twin brother. Once he's changed both babies he makes his way downstairs with one cradled in each arm to find Liam and Bella both dressed and sitting at the table eating. Zayn furrows his eyebrows in confusion before Liam jumps up and scoops Chloe out of Zayn's arms, "morning Baba" Bella chimes from the table and Zayn makes his way towards her to kiss her head "morning Arabella. What are you eating?" he asks and Bella giggles, "waffles" she hums and Zayn smiles nodding before he turns to Liam, who's passing him a warmed up bottle for Zack. "Li, it's only seven in the morning, how long have you been up?" he asks. Liam chuckles and shrugs, "I dunno,Bella woke up about an hour ago and we didn't want to wake you so we came downstairs and I made breakfast" he explains. Zayn furrows his eyebrows in confusion before he just shrugs and moves to sit beside Bella, as Liam passes him a plate, and Zack is content in his arms.

"I have to go into the office to talk to Niall, and pick up the stuff I need to work from here, so I'll drop Bella off at preschool on the way" Liam says suddenly and Zayn nods, noticing for the first time that although Liam is dressed it's not in his usual suit, he's wearing jeans, and a t-shirt instead. The husbands had decided that keeping Bella in her preschool a couple days a week wouldn't be a bad thing, as she had really just gotten settled in when the twins were born, and she was loving it. Zayn nods slowly as he balances the bottle and Zack carefully so he can take a bite of his breakfast, "sounds good. How long will you be?" he asks after he swallows and Liam shrugs, "only a couple hours, why?" he asks. Zayn shakes his head, "I was just curious" he murmurs, taking another bite. Liam nods and makes a face down at Chloe who's happily eating her breakfast in his arms, "your Baba's being silly" Liam coos to the infant and Zayn rolls his eyes as Bella giggles from her chair.

Zayn collapses onto the couch intent on reading for a few minutes before one or both of the twins wake up and Liam returns. Liam's been gone with Bella for about an hour and it took him this long to settle both babies down in their cribs upstairs. Zayn's just picking up his book when the phone rings and he groans, debating whether or not to answer it, he decides he should just in case and grabs the receiver in his hands, "hello...?" he hums into the phone. "Hi baby boy" his mum coos and Zayn groans, "Mum, I'm hardly a baby, I have three babies" he mumbles. Trisha laughs over the phone, "don't remind me" she mutters and Zayn laughs this time, "sorry Mum, but what's up?" he asks. Zayn hears shuffling on the other end before Trisha speaks, "can't I just call my son to see how my grandbabies are doing?" she huffs and Zayn chuckles "of course Mum" he sighs. "You know I never see you anymore" Trisha mumbles and Zayn feels bad, since the wedding and the twins being born, he hasn't been at work so he hasn't been taking Bella to his mum's three days a week anymore, "I know I'm sorry Mum" he murmurs. "It's just me, Zack, and Chloe right now, if you want to come over Mum" Zayn adds before his mum can speak, "Liam should be back soon" he amends. Trisha hums and Zayn knows she's pretending to think about it, and he knows he's been tricked into inviting her over, "great I'll see you in fifteen minutes" Trisha calls out and Zayn chuckles, "alright, love you Mum" he laughs and hears his mum laugh as well, "love you too" she giggles before hanging up.

It's not even fifteen minutes later that Zayn is letting his mum into the house Aurora appearing after she's already sitting in the living room, "she's not a guard dog" Zayn laughs as the dog pushes against his mum's legs demanding attention. "I can see that" Trisha laughs, scratching the dog's ears, "where are my babies?" she asks looking around and Zayn rolls his eyes "your baby is right here" he says gesturing to himself, "my  babies are upstairs sleeping" he adds. Trisha rolls her eyes at him, "don't get smart with me young man" she mocks sternness and Zayn laughs, "which one do you want?" he sighs heading towards the stairs, ignoring the triumphant look on his mum's face, "both, obviously" she hums, "of course" Zayn mutters to himself before heading upstairs to get his still sleeping babies to go visit their grandma. 

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