"Nothing.." I said.

"Your telling me back at home! But for now, let's go!" She said. We walked over to the counter She paid on her card and we left.

"I like being 18!" She laughed.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because I get to have a credit card! And you will too!! In two weeks!! I like being three weeks older than you!!" She laughed.

"Wait.. three weeks before my birthday..? HAPPY BIRtHDAY FOR LAST WEEK!!!!!!!!" I yelled as we walked back to the car.

"Ha! Thank you Len!" She said.

"No worries! I'd hug you but..." I said holding up all her bags.

"Naaw hugs at home!!!!" She laughed.

We got to the car an mum was already in there! She popped the boot for us.

"Shella, do you want me to drop Len and you at your place to set up? I can pick him up later!" Mum offered me as she drove off.

"Yeh sure that's fine! I'm like a 2 minute drive away from you's!" Shella smiled.

"Okay guide me there?" Mum asked.


...... "And just take a right into this driveway here!" Shella said.

"Okay see you soon mum!!!" I said as I got Shella's stuff from the boot.

"Cya kids!!" Mum yelled.

"Its this one here!" Shella said as we walked up the stairs to a door. We went inside to a big apartment.

"WOW!! You have a pool on your balcony!?" I asked her.

"Yeop!" She said laughing.

"Awesome!" I said.

As Shella and I were setting up it got really hot! I took my hoodie off to show my singlet.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR SHOULDER!!!!?" Shella yelled looking at my purple/blue shoulder.

"Nothing!" I yelled.


"Anthony..." I mumbled. "BUT I WON!!!!"

"Len!! You don't need to stoop to his level!! Lucky I bought some of that pain relief stuff! Come here!" She took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"Sit up here!!" She said patting the kitchen bench. I jumped up. She pulled out this little bottle. She poured some of the liquid on her palm.

"Take your shirt off! I don't want your Henley's getting stuffed!" SHe said. I pulled my shirt off.

"Since when did you get abs!?" She stared at them.

"When I started DANCING and atheletics!!" I laughed.

"No way!!! YOU DANCE!? You used to laugh at me when I told you I dance!! What type?" She asked rubbing the oil like thing on me.

"I know! lol sorry! John and I both are like hip-hop/break dancers! You know Richard? Well he is in our crew! AthElites! We have few more guys in it too!" I told her.

"OMG!!! That is so unexpected!!! Are you good?" She asked me.

"I guess so..."

"OMG!! Show me your moves!!!!" She laughed.

"Tomorrow! With the rest of the crew!!!!" I laughed.

"Okay!!" She smiled.

"Your so cute!!!" I lauughed at her smile.

She battered her eyes.and rocked back and forth on her feet.

"Okay! To much cuteness!! Stop now!" I laughed.

"Okay!!!" We looked into each others eyes. We both leant in...... Our lips crashed. It was amazing!! It was way better then any other kiss in my WHOLE life!!!! She pulled apart.

"I-I IM SO SORRY LEN!!!!!!" Shella yelled.

"About what? It was my fault!!" I knew she stopped because of Jodie...

"M-maybe we should forget about that!! I mean Jodie!!!" she said.

"Maybe...." I saw in her eyes that she was about to cry. I gave her a hug.

"Please don't get upset! She will never find out!! We're just friends, bestfriends! Now, let's watch TV!" I said. She nodded her head and we walked over to her lounge.

--------------1 HOUR LATER--------------------------

"You can stay over if you want! There's a spare room and it's getting late! I'll walk you back to yours tomorrow morning!" Shella offered.

"Okay! I'll text mum!" I said. I pulled out my phone from my pocket.

Me: hey mum! Staying at Shella's place! See you tomorrow! Don't worry! It's only a five minute walk! Luv you!

I got a reply within minutes, Mum:

Sure no worries Len baby! No hanky panky okay? Ha! I can drop off your uniform in the mornin and you two can either walk it or I can drop you's!


Mum... PLEASE don't call me that!!! It's so yuck!! Alright thanks mum! I need my P.E Uniform too! .... We'll walk! Yeah mum! Hanky panky!


God my mum and calling us weird names!!! Bleckk!

"Len, I'm putting Life As We Know It on! You can put your shirt on by the way! The oil would've dried off by now!!" Shella said to me.

"Naaah! It's hot!! Plus, I know you like my abs! Lol yeah that's a good movie!!!" I laughed at her.

"Oh yeaaaah! Sure haha fine than, stay as a naked freak!" She laughed.

We started the movie, I was sitting next to Shella.

Next thing I know I was asleep.....

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