Don't test me

40 2 3

Mizuki: Author-san made a mistake on publishing this chapter.
Rachel: Gomene wattpad didn't save my work that's why it was short. Anyway here's the full version of the chapter enjoy! (o^ ^o)

Mizuki's POV

"Oh Echo wake up~" Shou's muffled voice was heard outside my room. My eyelids slowly open and my mouth automatically formed a scowl. I sat up and lazily and looked at the time.

6:00 am

"Fucking brat got school!" I toss the blankets away and rush to the bathroom, after taking a bath I combed my hair and wore my suit. I got my sunglasses on and head out.

"Have you eaten Breakfast yet, young master?" I asked Shou who nodded and took me by the hand. I tried to pry my hands off him without the urge of chopping it off but he just gripped it harder.

"Float, chain" his hands were then chained together by my devil fruit.

"Echo did I do something wrong to make you punish me?~" Shou asked with a smirk, I frowned at him before ignoring him and got in the car to drive him to school.

"Young master could you tell me about the gang that were planning on kidnapping you? What do they want exactly?" I asked Shou, he thought for a moment before answering.

"Well, they wanted to kidnap me because they want my father to resign his position as the mayor." He answered, I kept my eyes on the road and nodded.

"Do you know why they want your father to resign his position?" I asked again. He shrug and looked out the window.

When we reached his school, I opened the door for him as he got out. I followed him to his classroom and students begun whispering.

"Who's that guy following Shou-kun?" A girl asked her friend. I forgot to mention, since I'm wearing a male outfit why not go with the flow and be male too. It's more fun anyway. I smirked as my disguise was flawless.

Shou however seems annoyed with my get up as he was unable to do anything to me. I left him when he had entered his classroom, I did notice a tree outside his classroom window. I went outside and shift into a cat before climbing up to the tree to watch him.

When it was lunchtime I climbed down and waited for Shou as he was talking to one of the female classmates he have.

"Ah you look breathtaking as always, Kiri. I would love to invite you over my place if you want." Shou said with his hands holding the girl's hand. The girl blushed at Shou's words.

"I would love to Shou-kun~"

"Then it's settled! You can join me later after class!" I rolled my eyes as they finish talking. Shou looked at me with a smug smirk and I raised my brow questioningly.

"Here's your lunch." I mumbled emotionlessly, he frowned when I made no comment about his flirting.

"You're no fun."

"I'm just doing my job young master."

"You could have at least admit my good charismatic skill when I talk to girls." He grumbled eating his lunch.

"Oh please I have the same effect on both girls and boys" I said smugly recalling my time at New World High.

"How is that even possible!?" He asked in bewilderment.

"It's what we call seduction and disguise my friend, and I'm a master at both of it. I can make anyone's leg jelly just by talking to them whether I have my hair tuck inside a cap or not." I boasted, he smirked at me.

"You're bluffing."

"Challenge accepted young master. If you loose your not allowed to touch me for a day." I said getting up as the bell rang for the next class.

*Time skip*
Dismissal came and student got out of the school. I am currently waiting for Shou and his friend to come out. Once I saw them I grinned widely. The girl awhile ago saw me and I gave her my most charming smile making her blush, Shou looked at me and frowned.

"My name is Echo. It's a pleasure to meet you Oujo-sama." I greeted bowing to her eye level and taking her hand and kissing it. She blushed furiously.

"N-nice meeting you t-too Echo-san." She stuttered. I smiled and opened the car door for her and before Shou could get in I gave him a victorious smirk in which he scoffed.

When we reached back home I opened the door for our guest.

"Is there anything I can get you Oujo-sama?" I asked her she blushed once again and smiled shyly.

What an adorable girl, too bad she's going to get her heart broken once she realize I'm a girl.

"Y-you can just call me Kiri." she stuttered I smiled and nodded.

"As you wish Kiri-sama."

"Oi Echo. Bring some cakes and tea in my room now." Shou demanded impolitely, I gave him a mocking smile and he tch'ed before grabbing Kiri's hand and stomping to his room. Chuckling I went to prepare young master's demands.

Shou's POV
"Shou-kun you shouldn't be impolite with Echo-san." Kiri scolded which ticked me off a little.

"And why? He's just a body guard, there's nothing special about him for me to treat him politely. You're more special Kiri" I said holding both of her hands lovingly. She blushed a bit before frowning.

"That's not true. Echo-san is also special in a different way!" She defended prying my hands away.

"Tch. Just because you find him attractive your acting this way. If it wasn't for him you would be all over me by now" I growled pinning her on the wall. I caressed her cheeks but she tries to move away. Which made me angry.

"Don't touch me!" She demanded. Glaring at me. I scowled and gripped both of her wrist.

"Shut up! Your supposed to like me!"

"You're hurting me Shou. Please let go!" She whimpered. She shut her eyes. All of a sudden I was pulled back by the collar of my shirt.

"That's no way to treat a lady Shou" Echo's voice boomed, the tone she used was intimidating enough to send shiver down my spine. I tried to glare at her but failed because she glared at me more intensely. She tossed me away and faced Kiri.

"I am sorry for Shou's behavior. I will ask the driver to send you home." She said. Kiri stared at Echo with wide eyes and that's when I noticed that she didn't have her disguise anymore.

"You're a girl?" Echo chuckled nervously while she rubbed her neck.

"Sorry bout that. Come on I'll accompany you to the car." Echo said smiling widely. Kiri nonetheless smiled and agreed to go with Echo.

I sat on my bed and glanced to my right to see a tray with a slice of cake and tea. Beside the cake was a small note and I picked it up to read it.

"I'm more capable than you can ever imagine so don't test me."

I know for a fact that the note was meant as a warning for me to not push my luck with her.

A small grin twitched on my lips and I chuckled more amused by her.

"Where's the fun without risking"

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