Oh boy here she goes again.

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Racheline: Mwahahahaha


Law: Bad things are coming


Nami's POV

"No! lower down the price first before calling again" I yell through the phone.

"Your still the same as before Nami." Robin mused while sipping her tea quietly, the suddenly knocks and one of my saleslady came in in a blushing mess.

"Ma'am a guy outside name Hina D. Kai wants to talk to you." She says, from the back of my memory clicked, I looked over at Robin and she has the same look.

"Let him in" I told her she left immediately, there was a moment of silence before Robin broke it.

"Do you think it's that Hina?" she asked me. Before I could reply the door opened and revealed a hooded figure, all I can see from this guy is the smirk that seems to be plastered on his lips.

He raised his head and removed his hood, white locks of hair fell behind this person.

"Close your mouth Nami, flies might get in" I closed my unconsciously opened mouth.

"M-M-Mi-" I stuttered but failed to continue she rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Lemme help you, It's Mi-zu-ki."

"It's nice to have you back Mizuki" Robin mused chuckling a little.

" How did you find us, I mean we haven't really told anyone about our jobs." I told her, Mizuki gave me a confused look.

"Ehh not even Luffy and the gang, why haven't you?" she asked me.

"Nami-san here doesn't want any of them to know, because they will surely ask for a discount if ever they would buy clothes here." Robin answers for me, I can see Mizuki having a sweatdrop.

"Still I am curious how you found this place, Mizuki-san" Robin says, Mizuki smirked and held her head high.

"Nothing much, Just hack into some files that are kept in the City Hall." Mizuki said, my eyes widen in surprise at her answer.

"Hacked into some files that are kept in the city hall?! What's your job anyway that requires skill like that?" I asked her, she puts a finger on her lips signaling us to keep it down.

"You're too loud, if someone finds out I'll be thrown in jail. Anyway I'm a boss of a famous assassin firm, so technically I'll be needing skills such as silent kills, hit and run, spying, and of course hacking into secret files." Mizuki said casually as if there's nothing wrong.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked her, she then smiled and hand us a plastic bag.

"I made both everyone food while I visit" She says, while I take the bag she started fixing her hair into the boyish style again.

"Anyway I gotta go" she says. me and robin accompanied her out, and before Mizuki left she winked at one of our saleslady causing the saleslady to blush, we chuckled in response before she left.

Mizuki's POV

I'll go visit Kid's workplace next. I arrived at Kid's workplace to find cool gizmos everywhere.

"Oi Kid, I came to visit~" I sang a few heads turned to face me and I recognize them as Ussop and Franky.

"Why are you here Mizuki?" My brother asked. Ussop and Franky looked at me in shock.

"MIZUKI YOU'RE ALIVE?" They yell altogether.

"Yeah I posted an image in Luffy's instagram remember?" I told them, they nodded but still looked at me in disbelief so I had to explain to them what happen after that I left them the food I made and left.

time to visit moss head, I heard or more like I read in his file that he owns a dojo. I arrived at the dojo and heard sticks clashing. I plan on sneaking up on him but before I could, a wooden sword came flying towards me in hit me straight in the forhead.

"Hey moss-head are you trying to kill me again?!" I yell at him with an irk mark on my head.

"ehh, who are you?" He asked, by this time the dojo went silent and student decided to watch us.

"Hina D. Kai" I told him my fake name hoping he would remember, he smirked and I did the same.

"I see your alive eh. I wanna see how strong you have gotten." He said tossing me a wooden Katana, I caught the Katana expertly and set my bag down. Without warning I lunged myself at him, he blocked my attack and pushed me away.

"You have gotten strong" he commented, I didn't say anything and jumped, aiming my sword at him, he blocked me from above causing the floor to crack a bit. I dodged when he swung his wooden sword at me. This went on for about ten minutes before we stopped.

"You're fast" he complimented.

"That's to be expected from the boss of a famous assassin firm." I said, I can sense the student's jaw drop. Oops.

"Well I'm glad you're alive and breathing" He says, I grabbed my bag and hand him a few bottles of Sake and some Onigiri, he seems happy cause he gave me a bright smile, it sure is something I don't see everyday.

*time skip*

I had finished visiting and chatting with everyone, but I decided to visit Law the last. I was already outside Law's clinic when I saw Chopper exiting his clinic quietly.

"Hey Chopper is Law in?" I asked him, he seems surprise of my sudden appearance.

"Yeah his in but his asleep." Chopper answered, I smiled and thank him. I quietly went in and tip toed my way towards a sleeping figure on top of the table. I didn't wanna wake him up so I took a quick glance of the room and seeing it as a mess I decided to clean it up a bit. After cleaning up I look back at Law's sleeping face.

"You look adorable when you sleep" I mumbled suddenly. I instantly covered my mouth, I let out a sigh when Law didn't wake up I gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a blanket somewhere and covered him.

Law's POV

I woke up with a blanket on me, I look around and saw Mizuki sitting on one of the couch in the clinic reading a book. She looked at me and blushed suddenly.

"Why are you blushing suddenly?" I asked her.

"N-nothing. Anyway I got you food it's on the table" She replied and quickly change the subject immediately. I raised a brow at her but dropped the subject. I grab the food she got me and ate, I looked at her and she's still blushing while reading the book.

"What are you reading?" I asked her, she looked at me and started scratching the side of her cheek.

"hmm this? It's n-nothing I just saw this b-book in your shelf and I thought I might find it interesting." She answered,  I can say she avoided the question. I got up from my seat and checked my shelf to see which book was missing, I smirked when I found out what she was reading.

I looked at her again and she was really focused on the book. I'm so going to tease her...


Racheline: cut! great work! Mizuki did you like the book? *wiggles eyebrows*

Mizuki: no c-comment. *still blushing even after the scene*

Racheline: Pervert! You seem to enjoy it, you were acting naturally out there.

Mizuki: S-shut u-up!

Racheline: I bet the readers are curious about this book you are reading hehe. Don't forget to vote and comment readers!

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