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Aomine Daiki: *On phone* Hey, Tetsu! Satsuki's taking her cousins trick-or-treating. You want to come?

Kuroko Tetsuya: *On the other side of the call* That would be fine, but I don't have a costume or anything.

Aomine Daiki: Don't worry, I've got a costume for you. I think it'll really suit you.

*At Satsuki's house*

Momoi Satsuki: Did Tetsu-kun say 'yes'?

Aomine Daiki: Yep.

*A knock on the door*

Aomine Daiki: He's here already?

Momoi Satsuki: *Laughs* Probably not. I invited some people, too. *Goes over and opens the door* Welcome, Muk-kun!

Murasakibara Atsushi: How long will it take before we can leave?

Momoi Satsuki: Well, we still have to wait for Tetsu-kun and Midorin to get here.

Murasakibara Atsushi: Aka-chin isn't coming?

Momoi Satsuki: No, he told me he was busy, but maybe he'd be able to tag along for the next event.

Murasakibara Atsushi: *munch munch* I see.

Aomine Daiki: You invited everyone?

Momoi Satsuki: *Smiles* Yep. But Akashi-kun, Ki-chan, and Kagamin couldn't come. Akashi-kun and Ki-chan were busy with work and Kagamin is taking his own cousin trick-or-treating, but he lives in a different prefecture. He said he might try to come here, but he's not sure if he can get out of it.

Cousin 1: *comes into the room and sees Atsushi* Wow! He's so big!

Cousin 2: *follows* He is! Why are all your friends so giant?

Aomine Daiki: We're basketball players. Plus, you haven't see Tetsu or Akashi yet. They're not tall.

Momoi Satsuki: You better hope word doesn't get back to Akashi-kun. He'll murder you if he hears that you called him short.

*another knock on the door*

Momoi Satsuki: Coming! *Opens the door and reveals two people* Midorin! And, Takao-kun, was it?

Takao Kazunari: Yep! Pleased to officially make your acquaintance!

Momoi Satsuki: Definitely!

Aomine Daiki: So why did you decide to come? Usually you would avoid hanging out with us.

Midorima Shintarou: Today the lucky item is candy. I figured the more candy that was around me, the luckier I'd be.

Aomine Daiki: Should've known.

Kuroko Tetsuya: Nobody else is dressed up except for Momoi-san's cousins.

Everybody: *Jumps*

Aomine Daiki: When did you get here!?

Kuroko Tetsuya: I came around the same time as Murasakibara-san.

Momoi Satsuki: Well, since everyone is here, let's go!

In the end, Taiga convinced his aunt and uncle to take his cousins to trick-or-treat in the same place as Momoi. Also, Ryouta got off work early and Seijuurou finished his work quickly, so everyone was able to meet up. Mega happy ending! (Even though it's not the total end. Just the end of the chapter.)


Happy Halloween! I love Halloween so much! It's my favorite Holiday! I hope everyone had a great day!

Bye, bye!


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