Sweets Party Part 2: Inviting Plus Ones

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*Kise Ryouta*

Kise Ryouta: Kasamatsuchii!

Kasamatsu Yukio: *Punches Kise* Stop being so loud! I'll hit you.

Kise Ryouta: *Fake cries* But, you already hit me!

Kasamatsu Yukio: Stup up! Anyway, what did you call me out here for?

Kise Ryouta: *Stops crying* Oh, yeah! Murasakibarachii is throwing a sweets party tonight at five. Will you be my plus one?

Kasamatsu Yukio: Uh! Since I have nothing better to do, I guess I'll go...

Kise Ryouta: Yay! *Jumps up with glee*

*Midorima Shintarou*

*On phone*

Midorima Shintarou: Takao, will you be my plus one for Murasakibara's sweet party?

Takao Kazunari: Yes! Yes! Of course I will, Shin-chan!

Midorima Shintarou: Good. Bring the rickshaw to my house around three.

Takao Kazunari: Will do, Shin-chan! *so happy Shintarou chose him that he doesn't even care*

*Aomine Daiki and Momoi Satsuki*

*On the phone*

Momoi Satsuki: So, Riko. There is a sweets party being held, and I'd like to know if you would be my plus one.

Aida Riko: Sure. I'll go with you.

Momoi Satsuki: K! Thanks! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go get Dai-chan ready.

Aida Riko: Okay...?

*End of phone call*

Momoi Satsuki: *Marches into Daiki's home* Dai-chan!

Aomine Daiki: Gah! *wakes up and gets out of bed* What the heck are doing in my house, Satsuki.

Momoi Satsuki: You need to get up and get ready for the party! Go get your plus one!

Aomine Daiki: *leaves the house*

Momoi Satsuki: Where are you going!

Aomine Daiki: I'm going to wander and find a big breasted woman for my plus one.

Momoi Satsuki: No woman wants to be with you! *realizes he is ignoring her* Urgh!

*Kuroko Tetsuya*

Kuroko Tetsuya: Come on, Nigou. You're my plus one.

Nigou: *bark bark*

*Kagami Taiga*

Kagami Taiga: Oi, Alex! You want to be my plus one?

Garcia Alexandria: Sorry. I'm already going with Tatsuya.

Kagami Taiga: What!?

Garcia Alexandria: Yep, but do you mind driving me to his house?

Kagami Taiga: No! Take yourself! *Runs off to find someone else*

*Akashi Seijuurou*

*On Facebook*

Akashi Seijuurou:

Who wants to be my plus one to a sweets party?

Liked by 64 people

Mibuchi Reo: Me! Pick me, Sei-chan!

Hayama Kotarou: No!!!!!!!!!! Pick me!!!!!!!

Nebuya Eikichi: Take me! I eat more than both of them combined!

Mayuzumi Chihiro: I thought you didn't like sweets...?

Akashi Seijuurou: I do not, but since Atsushi was so kind as to invite me, I accepted his offer? Do you have any interest in going, Chihiro.

Mayuzumi Chihiro: Sorry, but I have plans for today.

Akashi Seijuurou: I see. I suppose I will take Reo since he replied first.

Mibuchi Reo: Yay! Sei-chan picked me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*In the end, neither Daiki, nor Taiga, had a plus one.*


There you go! I hope you had a great time! School is starting soon, so I won't have as much time to write, so I'll try to get as much done as possible before then.

Bye, bye!


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