Cats or Dogs

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Basically in this chapter, I will say which everyone likes better...cats or dogs. I don't really know. I just saw my cat and it came to me.


Mibuchi Reo: Just out of curiosity, what do people prefer? Cats or Dogs?

Akashi Seijuurou: I prefer cats. Genereally, dogs are often noisier, and cats aren't as energetic.

Kagami Taiga: I hate to agree, but I do. Cats are better than dogs.

Aomine Daiki: The only reason you like cats better is because you are scared of dogs, Bakagami.

Kagami Taiga: Shut up, Ahomine!

Aomine Daiki: What did you say?

Kagami Taiga: You heard me!

*Those two begin to argue.*

Kuroko Tetsuya: Leaving those two aside, I would choose dogs. How could you say 'no' to this little fellow. *Holds up Nigou*

Midorima Shintarou: When he pees in my rickshaw! That's when!

Kuroko Tetsuya: Don't be mean.

*Both Nigou and Tetsuya look at Shintarou with sad eyes*

Midorima Shintarou: Don't give me that identical eye thing!

Momoi Satsuki: I love dogs more, too!

Aomine Daiki: That's only because Tetsu likes dogs.

Momoi Satsuki: Nuh, uh! *Sticks out tounge*

Mibuchi Reo: What about you, Mura-chan?

Murasakibara Atsushi: Mura-chan? Are you talking to me?

Mibuchi Reo: Yep! :3

Murasakibara Atsushi: I don't know, but since Aka-chin likes cats better, I guess I like cats better.

Mibuchi Reo: Uh...

Kise Ryouta: I like dogs! Cats are too snooty for me.

Akashi Seijuurou: What did you say about cats? *Snips scissors*

Kise Ryouta: Uhhh. Nothing.

Kuroko Tetsuya: So, Mibuchi-san. What about you?

Mibuchi Reo: Hm. I like cats, but I like dogs, too. I don't really know. I guess it depends the personality of each one.


There you go. I'm actually pretty happy about this chapter.

Feel free to comment and request!

Bye, bye!


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