Chapter 9 - Kidnapped by an Idiot

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Alec launched me over his shoulder and headed for the front door as I wildly screamed, "I don't know him! Someone help!"

"Shut up Reed, it aint gunna be that bad." He mumbled and continued to the street. For some reason, the gravely tone of his voice made me stop. Then he said, "Damn, you're heavy."

My foot instantly connected with his body and he doubled over, "What was that for?!"

"For calling me fat...again!" I shouted.

"I didn't say that! I just said you were heavy! Everyone is heavy on some level!" He protested.

"Would you put me down? I don't want my fatness to crush you." I spat.

He sighed and set me down, then started pulling on the chains toward his car. I could hear him faintly say, "You're not fat," which made me crack a small smile.

It took us fifteen minutes to get to a neighborhood I didn't recognize. It was lined with unbelievably large mansions, as expected.

This was rich people territory.

"I don't like this idea" I muttered under my breath.

"I know. That's why we're doing it." He snickered.

"Why do I have to act like your girlfriend?"

He sighed, "It's the only rule my parents have. No guests over unless it's a partner. They're private people."

"Ugh." I sank into the seat and acted like the view from the passenger side was the most interesting scenery I had ever seen. I didn't want to talk, and I think it was safe to assume he didn't either.

Alec's hose was pretty much what I expected – unnecessarily grand. Really, grand was an understatement. No words could express its enormity.

All of a sudden, the same uneasy feeling I got from the pizza returned. I did not want to do this. I didn't want to pretend we we're dating; it made my insides churn. What if they judged me? Are they going to wonder what happened to Brin? Did they ever meet her? This was a stupid, stupid idea.

"Ready?" Alec asked as we got to the front door.

Something flipped within me and I shouted, "No!" I tried to back up, but his hard chest blocked me.

"Just go in there!"

With an unattractive grunt, I planted my feet against the front door and shoved backwards.

"I refuse!" I shouted. "Not happening."

"It's not that bad to pretend you're my girlfriend!" He fumed. "Just do it."

Again, another disgusting, muffled groan released from my throat. "Never." I pushed even harder against his surprisingly stable body.

As he yanked back, he stumbled and fell, the handcuffs clinking as I went down with him.

"Ow." I mumbled.

He sighed and offered a hand. "They can help." His stare bore into me, and all I could do was slap his hand away as I struggled to stand.

"Over. My. Dead. Body."

His usual, idiotic smirk returned as he began to push toward the door that was now wide open, shouting, "Hey mom! Dad!"

Someone cleared their throat behind me. "Well, who is this beautiful girl?"

"Mom, Dad. This is Reed, my girlfriend."

My teeth ground together as he poked my back with his finger and I walked forward to greet them. "Yeah, I'm his girlfriend."

Alec nudged me and I sighed, extending my hand to the clean-cut couple. "Nice to meet you."

"You too, hun." His mom looked strangely nervous as she flicked her straight black hair away from her eyes. Was she as nervous as me? His father looked nervous too...why?

"So," his fathered cleared his throat, "we'll be staying for dinner tonight."

His mother nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, we want to get to know you." She was beaming, "You're the first Alec has brought home."

What? The first?

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