"Touch the mask. You want to find Dr. Light, do it." Wells tells him and I nod to encourage him.

Cisco takes a deep breath and reaches out to touch the mask and when he touches it, he exhales and closes his eyes and we all watch in anticipation. Cisco opens his eyes and looks at the mask confusingly, but tries again, but nothing happens again. "I don't think it's working." Cisco says looking at Wells. "Try again." Wells tells him, but I keep my eyes on Cisco as Barry grabs my waist. "Try again!" Wells yells in my ear making me jump in fright a little. Cisco touches the mask again, but nothing happens again. "I'm sorry. It's not--" Wells yells at Cisco to do it again. "I can't control it." Cisco argues with him. "Because you're afraid!" Wells says taking a step towards him and grabbing the mask. "I'm telling you, I don't know how it works! I can't just make it happen!" Cisco says to him. "I'm telling you, yes, you can!" Wells says shoving the mask into Cisco's chest and he suddenly gasps with his mouth open as he looks dazed. "South Plaza Train Station, Platform 15." Cisco says and I look at Barry. "What're you waiting for?" Wells asks us and I dash to the suit room, change quickly, and Barry speeds us there.

When we get there, we see that the platform was crowded and I look around for Light. "Oh, guys, the platform's crowded. Are you sure she's here?" Barry asks the others through the com. "She should be wearing a black trench coat." Cisco says and I look for a black trench coat. "Found her." I say seeing her about to board the train as she looks at us. "Everybody, get out of here! Go! Go, hurry!" I yell out and everyone runs out of the station screaming. "Why won't you just let me leave?" Light asks us as we walk up to her and she takes off the coat. "We can't just let you leave. You killed an innocent man." Barry tells her. "That was an accident." she says as she walks over to us. "Trying to kill Linda Park wasn't." I say to her with narrowed eyes. "It's the only way that I can be free from Zoom. Unless I kill you both." Light says as she stands a few feet away from us. "Can't let you do that either. So, we've got a problem." Barry says to her. "We'll see." she says and she shoots her energy of light at us and Barry grabs my waist pulling me down with him behind a luggage cart. "Guys? Should've talked about this before I left, but how should we stop her?" Barry asks the others.

"Keep trying different angles. Find her blind spot." Jay says and Barry looks at Light, but dodges an incoming blast of light.

"Yeah. That's gonna be a piece of cake." I say sarcastically as Barry speeds away and I stay crouched behind the luggage cart. "We can't get close enough. What should we do?" I ask as I look over to Barry on opposite side of me. "I don't know." Jay says and I sigh. "Oh, I gotta tell you, that's not the answer we were looking for." Barry says and I agreed. "You need to confuse her. Give her more than one target so she doesn't know who to fire at." Wells says and I look at Barry. "Speed mirage." Barry says as we both move hearing Light get closer. "Correct." Wells says in the coms. "Ok, one problem, though. Only one of us can do that." I say in frustration. "I got you." Barry says and I take a deep breath. "Ok." I tell him and he zips around the room with a bunch of speed mirages of him. I wait for Barry's signal for me to come out and take her out, but I see a blinding light instead and the mirages were gone. "I can't do it." Barry says. "Yes, you can, Barry." I tell him as I hear him pant. "Hey, Dr. Wells is right. You are fast. Faster than I ever was, and better than I ever will be. Don't let fear and doubt hold you back, like it did to me." Jay says. "You're the Flash, Barry. Show Light what that means." I tell him and I see his speed mirages appear again. "Now, Tori!" I hear Barry yell and I come out of hiding and kick her into the metal pillar knocking her out.


When we were back in S.T.A.R. Labs, I help Caitlin lock Dr. Light in the Pipeline and we head up to the Cortex. "Dr. Light is safely in the pipeline." Caitlin says as we walk into the Cortex and I take my mask off. I see Iris thank Wells for helping us put Light away and I go to the suit room to change into my normal clothes. "What now?" I hear Joe ask as I unzip my skin-tight onesie and put on my clothes. "We do what Dr. Wells said." Barry says and I look at him as I walk out putting on my leather coat. "We use her to lure Zoom here. End this once and for all." he says as I walk over to him. "You can't be serious." Jay says and I look at him. "More breachers are gonna come. More innocent people may die. I can't let this happen anymore." Barry tells Jay. "Well, you're making a mistake, ok? Zoon is a nightmare you can't wake up from." Jay says to him. "I've already had my worst nightmare. His name was Reverse-Flash. I spent a long time being afraid of him. I'm not gonna be afraid anymore." Barry says and I smile at him proudly. "Ok, Barry, you may be faster than me, but you're not ready to fight Zoom by yourself." Jay tells him.

"That's just it, Jay. I'm not gonna fight him by myself. I've got all of them to help me. I've got Dr. Wells, I've got you." Barry says and I put a hand on my heart feeling touched.

"Aw. I've never been so proud." I say wiping a fake tear and Iris laughs as she nudges me playfully.

"No. I can't in good conscience help you when I know it'll only lead to you losing your speed or even worse, your death." Jay says.

"Optimism must be an Earth-1 thing." Cisco says.

"You all need to ask yourself why this man, for years, wouldn't admit he was responsible for the particle accelerator exploding underground. He may not be Harrison Wells from your Earth, but he has many secrets as the one you knew." Jay says and he starts to walk out.

"Jay, please don't go." Caitlin begs him.

"I'm so sorry, Caitlin." Jay says and he walks out.


The next day, Cisco, Caitlin, Barry, and I were in Jitters and I had noticed that Kendra was there. I knew that it was awkward for him to see her after what happened the other day, but he told me that he could handle it. Caitlin, Barry, and I sat at the table and I see Caitlin frown. "You ok?" I ask her with a frown. "Yeah. I just... I was getting used to Jay being a part of the team." Caitlin says and I give her a small smile. "Well, look, Jay is a hero. They always seem to show up just when you need 'em." Barry says. "Besides, him being a part of the team isn't the only reason you have to be sad about, Cait." I tell her telepathically and she smiles at me. Cisco comes back with four Flashes and I grab one of the cups in the tray. "I got her number." Cisco says holding up a sheet of paper and I widen my eyes at him with a huge smile. "Oh my God! Cisco! That's amazing!" I tell him playfully punching him. "We're going on a date next week." Cisco says and I just couldn't help but feel excited for him. "Things are looking up for Cisco Ramon." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "I guess so. Still stuck with these powers, though. I just don't know how to feel about them." Cisco says and my smile turns to a frown. "Hey, look, you don't gotta go through it alone." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "And now, and I'm gonna hate saying this, but, you need a cool name." I tell him and he widens his eyes in realization.

"Oh, snap. You're totally right." he says and I just laugh as I lean on Barry. "Oh, I gotta think about this one. Well, you know me. It's gotta be perfect. Something that really sings, you know. Something like..."

"Vibe"?" Barry asks and I look at him.

"Great. First, he broke Professor Stein of the nickname barrier. Now, he broke my boyfriend." I say and Barry chuckles. "But I like it. Vibe."

"Vibe." Caitlin says with wide eyes.

"Vibe." Cisco says and he smirks liking his name already and we all toast to the name, and to our team.

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