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Listening to this song as I was writing this. It gave me the inspiration to write this, so please listen to this if you want to. You don't have to though.



There's been times to where I feel like I don't matter to him. Lately now, it's always his training. We barely talk and when we do it's a few minutes at a time. Being ignored, pushed aside, has made me make up my mind. I will confront him, possibly break up with him.

I stood there, watching his long, pitch black hair move from side to side as he threw sharp daggers towards targets. He panted in exhaustion as he tried catching his breath. All the darts made it to the center perfectly as usual.

He began to regain his breathing and then looked over in my direction. I guess he knew I was there from the start. It shouldn't be a surprise, he could probably can read my chakra from miles away.

I padded my sandaled feet across the dirt of the training ground over to him. Didn't dare look at him at all. If I did, I might chicken out like usual and not be able to tell him how I feel. This needed to be done and there was no way I could stop.

"(F/n), what are you doing here? I thought you would be at the house cleaning like usual." That was right, I would clean around this time at his house. Since he moved out of his parent's house I didn't want him to live in a dirty house so I decided to take care of him and the house.

He already knows something is up, I can't just lie, he'll figure it out. "I...really need to talk to you." I kept my eyes glued to the ground, those eyes of his would make me scared to even finish this. What if he get sad? Mad?

We decided to sit on a nearby log to continue our conversation due to how tired he was from his training. The cold autumn wind blew by, making the both of us move, trying to get closer to the body heat that was radiating the both of us.

He noticed that I was cold too and grasped my freezing hands into his larger ones. The hot breath of his warming up my pink tinted fingertips. "Are you getting warmer? I'm sorry that I don't have something to cover you up." Looking up, I saw the concern in his eyes, like it was his duty to make sure that I was okay.

"I'm fine, thank you." I pulled my hands away from his. The cold feeling almost instantly returned and it made me want to go back to him. "But I really need to talk to you. I'm feeling like you're ignoring me a lot lately. You've been training more than normal lately or out doing things until late at night. It makes me feel like you don't need me."

I stopped. The leaf covered ground kept my attention, my eyes never leaving it. I tried blinking away the tears that were threating to fall, but I failed. My fingertips met my pink nose, rubbing it to keep it warm. "I'm so sorry, (f/n). " You can hear the cracking in his voice, making very concerned and made me look at him. "I've been putting this off and it's hurt you."

You could see the sadness, his glossy eyes making it more visible that we were feeling the same emotion as I was. "Itachi..." He pulled me towards him, his arms around me. My face met his chest, the heat from him making me feel warmer almost instantly.

"Please, It's so hard to say. I love you, I've always have, you know that. I just wanted to tell you that I wanted more." He paused and went to think for a second. Was he going to say it? Was he going to say uncle and run away from this mess that I created?

"What?" I grasped the cloth on his back. My fists turning white from waiting in suspense.

"I want you. Your body. To marry you, to have you." He put his forehead on my shoulder, not wanting to see me as I made my answer. It was also to hide his face from me.

Though his face was hidden, his breathing was very audible. It was very fast, maybe from the training or maybe from the conversation. To be honest, it was very soothing to hear.

It was time to give him my answer. How did I feel, did I want this too? He's now opening up, telling me it was that he wanted more, but was afraid that I would say no. Well, I couldn't blame him, all we have done was hold hands and kissed. We have done nothing extreme at all.

"Itachi, I want that too." I felt his body flinch against mine as he heard my answer. His arms that were around me squeezed me even tighter as if I was slipping away.

"Then be okay! I'll take care of you. Just don't leave, I'll make you happy!" He yelled into my shoulder. I could feel the wetness of warm tears soaking into me shirt. "I'll marry the shit out of you!"

"Okay, okay. Just stop crying." I laughed.

This time, it was happy tears seaping out of my eyes. Knowing everything was okay and that it was going to be even better.

Naruto x Reader OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя