Love's Happen part 1/2

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The blooming petal sakura being blew by wind very perfectly fine..but it was worse day happen to them...

A girl lying inside the coffin wears beautiful white dress and she interwined her own hands on her stomach.Date Masamune put a bouquet white tiger liliy on her stomach.Sad , anger, loneliness is what overwhelming inside deep his heart.He caress her pink cheek feeling warm lingering his skin. ........ wait warm? pink cheek? breathing?

Date Masamune came closer to her chest heard the pumping heart.Her hand move reflex grabbing his head and kissed his lips.He's very shocked what just happen.The coffin was place on a stage that makes theres fleet of stairs.They all cant see what just happening on the stage. Keiji have feeling weird his eye brow twitched.

Keiji shouted. "What are u doing up there?! We all got next turned to see (Name)-chan!!". Suddenly, Date Masamune going downstairs with bridal style (Name) in his arms. Keiji,Sasuke,Kasuga,Yukimura was jaw dropped. "Hiii guys!!! Its good to be live again". (Name) replied with big smile plastered on her face.

"How, she...she..". Sasuke pointed her with shiver around his body. "Go Away u DEMON!!". Yukimura throw salt on her but in very far distance. "Imouto, how did u alive?". Kenshin hugged her and ruffled her hair. "Im just donno how.But im sure that im a Kamii, soo its possible im live". She hugged back while Masamune darkening his aura of *Jealous*.

"Oh im so happy youre alive.Im trust Kenshin-sama your not a ghost". Kasuga tackled (Name).She happily tackled back on her."(Name)!!! Ohhh im sooo happy!". Keiji nuzzled her cheek.Date Masamune pushed between them. "*cough* *cough* she 's mine alone". "Ehh sorry Masamune-dono, im accidentally hugged your lover just excited seeing her ok as usual".He scratch his neck nervously laughed about it.

"Actually, im a Kamii, and i can heal without any help from other human being.But i need some time to heal back,usually i use 24hours if im injured badly." They all nodded understand how it happen. "Lets party!!!".Masamune announced it.His men cheers happy. Kenshin just go along with it.

Soon after that they all enjoying the feast, and sake in Oshhu place with having sight seeing of blooming sakura tree.Some of them laugh and makes joke. "They're soo happy, ". (Name) sighed happiness overwhelming inside her. A pair of hands snake around her waist brought her closer against his body. "They all happy because u were came back for us,please dont risk your life like that anymore ". Theres shadow cover his eyes.

(Name) caress his cheek and facing him. She saw a tear went down his cheeks.She kissed the tear. She whispered, "I may be dead if not the tears fell from your cheek into my skin, its save my life". He was wonder. "What do u mean by that?".She smiled brightly. "I mean your tears save me, remembered that time i was dying.That one, theres legend said if the tears of your beloved cried for your life, it can save u from death.It works between Kamii and human, if they fall in love each other."

His eyes widen. She slowly close the gap between her.And kiss sofly on his lips, the warm sensation happen.She tangled her hands to his hair, brown messy hair.But then he response back.He kiss deeply more, his desire keep pushing his need.He pulled from the heat kissed.They both panted. Masamune grabbed her hand into his, he looked direct into reflection of (e/c) . "Will you marry me?And become my beautiful wife as long as i live?". (e/c) slightly wide then welled up with happy tears. She nodded (yes).He swinging around (Name) in the air.

I love you...

I lovr you too Masamune..

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