In Actions 2/4

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Skipppp...Date Masamune Except the alliance and well u know how he is..

"Are u ready guys??!!". "YEAHHHH!!". "lets PARTY!!".
"Thats how he guide them??! Well its better, but too childish".(Name) sighed, she have to sit infront of Date Masamune, well he's over protective. "Well u cant simply bored seeing the warlords not having motto things for the future".

"Actually, it wasnt that bad afterall.Quiet interesting i guess". She kissed on his eye-patch. Date Masamune kissed her on the lips. "Hahh, love story isnt it Yukemichi.". "No more kissed.It innapropriate infront of them Mune!". She remind him.

"Do my face look i dont gave a shit when im doing it". He chuckled and smirked. She just love to get rid tha stupid smirked he wear all the time.(Name) huffed.Suddenly, Masamune brought her closer to his.With just one arm. "If anything happen to u in the promise i'll be there and protected u with my own life." Well he does care about (Name) safety.

"Masamune,....thank you for everything". She kissed him on the lips this time and nipped his nose. "But if anything happens to me, dont blame yourself over it-". "Stop THAT! I already told u that i will keep my Promise!".
Not surprise he's very stubborn child, oops stubborn man .

Every warlords heading to somewhere place they all can meet.Finally, Date Masamune found Sanada Yukimura.

"Sanada Yukimura..." .Date Masamune said. "Date Masamune!!!". "Cant u guys stop that?!!Annoying~~". She shrugged they all glared back. "But (Name)-chan, u cannot interrupted them.Its not innapropriate." "Hmph, is this always happen why dont i sit on Maeda horse better~". She about to going down from Masamune horse but he stopped her from going down.

"Masamune dont u tried testing my patience". "Did i say youre really gorgeous in this day?. " Date Masamune knows where is this going. "Hmm...i knew youre bluffing amd start riding this horse!!".she flicked his nose. "Ouch!!".

Inside forest full with fog..

(Actually this one is i made so)

Date Masamune tried to heading the place where Oda Nobunaga but then something unexpected happen.

"Date!! Cant u slow down-!". "Found uuu~". She shocked. Its Akemichi Mitsuhide. Date Masamune hand out his swords while the horse galloping. "Dont u even dare touch her!!". "Sorry~ but she need to die with my own hands". They started clashing with their own weapon. "Run (Name)...". He whispered next to (Name). But she shooked her head.

"Come on, youre in danger i hold back him down dont worried about me". She cried uncontrol and kissed him fully on the lips.She flew away. Before that happen she said something that makes Date surprise.

She keep run and running in the forest. 'Please be safe Mune'. Unexpectedly, an arrow hit straight to her but she reflect it quickly. But then theres more coming towards her. "That Brat shittt!!". She started to dodged all of it and flew away. Even though she tried that an arrow hit on her leg. "aaaaahhh!!!". She screaming in pain.

"Aha!!! it hit it!!!". A boy exclaimed.He's an archer.His name Mori Ranmaru. She's in big trouble. But then a green camouflage with big shuriken giving the kid a strike.He hold (Name) in his embrace. "I got u Lady (Name)". She's unconscious. Because the poison started to spread inside her body.

Uesegi Kenshin Castle...

"Hello sorry for interrupted". "Sarutobi Sasuke!! What are u doing here-". "She's injured please treat her first shes been poisoned." "Please come in first, Kasuga go and treat her." He smiled. She nodded.

"Please tell me what happen to this woman?". "She's lover of one-eyed-dragon." Sarutobi Sasuke started to story about how (Name) can be injured. "Kenshin-sama she's awake.. very fast..". They all gasped.

"Whoaaa, what is this place..hmm much better than Osshu~".When she stepped behind them.She realise she wasnt in forest anymore. "Whats your name miss?". Kenshin asked with such very manner. "Oh, im (Name) im a kami....Practically injured little thanks for treat me kenshin-sama. " She bowed. "No need to, did im not mistake that u said youre a Kamii?". She shook.

"Not at all.." "Thats good you look better.".Sarutobi Sasuke in relieved he need to tell Yukimura she's save. When she looked next to her.She found a woman such very sexy clothes. "Hey pretty, im gorgeous! Lets be friend." (Name) giggles. Kasuga blushing hard, while Sasuke laughed at her. "Im very sorry, u dont get my joke hehe, your Kasuga right? Can i be your friend?". She looked over Kenshin then he nodded. She nodded too.The girl squaled happily. (Name) hugged her.

"Please take care me Kasuga-chan"

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