#44 - You Move In Together

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5 Seconds Of Summer Preferences

#44 - You Move In Together

Luke: The day has finally come. You and Luke were moving into the house you've brought and decorated. "It looks really good." Y/D/N commented as Luke smiled. "It does. Y/S/N and Y/B/N can stay round as well." You explained as your younger siblings cheered. "It looks so cosy in here." Y/M/N gasped as she sat next to you on the sofa. "It does. I'm glad we decorated and put the furniture in before hand." You explained as Luke nodded. "Well I think we'll leave you guys to settle in." Y/M/N spoke. "Have a nice evening in your new home." Y/S/N giggled as she hugged Luke's legs. Once your parents had left, you and Luke were in the kitchen making dinner, and singing along to the radio while you set the table. You were finally glad you and Luke had your own place.

Calum: "Wow I can't believe we have our own place." Calum spoke as you finished making the bed. "I know. It's pretty nice to have our own little place now." You explained. Calum smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. "One day we'll have our own little family." Calum mumbled as you smiled. "This house is going to have so many memories." You exclaimed. "It will baby." Calum said. "Shall we do the the garden sometime this week?" You asked as you walked towards the balcony doors. "Yeah we can baby." Calum said as he stood beside you. "Our own little home." You said, a smile spreading across your face. "Our own little home." Calum repeated.

Michael: "You sure you guys are going to be okay?" Y/M/N asked as she gave you a hug. "Yeah mum. We will be okay." You said, giving her a reassuring smile. "It's going to be weird not having you at home anymore." Your mum spoke, her voice cracking. "I know mum. Don't worry we will come and visit." You said as your dad chuckled. "I don't think Y/N will move on quickly just like Y/S/N did." Your dad chuckled. "But she was pregnant. My baby's finally got her own home." Your mum explained. "Don't worry i'll look after her." Michael spoke as everyone laughed. "Right we better get going, so you two can sit down and relax." Y/D/N stated. After the goodbyes and the hugs, you were curled up on the sofa with your boyfriend. You two finally had a place of your own, to make as many memories as possible.

Ashton: "Oh my god. The kitchen looks lush." Ashton gasped as you giggled. "Will I lose out on cuddles because my boyfriend is going to be admiring the kitchen." You joked as the boys laughed. "No of course not. I wonder what you'll say to our children about the muddy foot prints on the floor." Ashton added as you giggled. "You'll be cleaning it up." You joked. Once the boys had left, you and Ash were lying on the hammock in the back garden. "I cannot believe this is our home now baby girl." Your boyfriend spoke as you nuzzled closer to him. "Me either Ash. Its all ours." You whispered happily. "I can't wait to see our children running around in the garden playing tag." The thought of it made you grin as Ashton chuckled, pressing a kiss on your forehead. "I love you." You mumbled as you cuddled up to your boyfriend, who wrapped a blanket round you. "I love you too baby." Finally, this house you looked at a few months back, was finally yours and Ashton's home.

Hey guys.

So I was reading through comments on the other series and I realised that I may have spelt words wrong, or my grammar weren't very good. I do apologise, and I will be again editing it.

Please read, vote and comment😘

Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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