#35 - Good Morning Texts

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5 Seconds Of Summer Preferences

#35 - Good Morning Texts

Luke: Morning baby girl. Sorry I'm not there for when you wake up😞. I've gone to the studio to do some recording with the boys alright beautiful. I love you so much and I will see you in a few hours. I love you💕xxx

Calum: Good morning my beautiful princess. Time zones suck so I apologise if you're either asleep or doing something. I miss you so much:(. I can't wait for you to come and spend a few weeks with me on tour. Counting down the days. See you soon baby. I love you so so much. Have a good day my love💘xxx

Michael: Morning kitten😍. I bet you look beautiful right now. I know it might be early for you, but I just wanna say I hope you have a brilliant day with your family, and enjoying every moment of it. See you soon beautiful😘xx

Ashton: Morning babe. I get to see you soon as I am on the plane back. I hope you're up and getting ready to come out in sweat pants and one of my jumpers😁. I've missed you so much, I can't wait to see you baby. I love you❤️xxx

Hey sunflowers.

Last night I went out to a surprise party for one of my work friends and it was bloody amazing👌🏻. I love my Spotlight family more than anything and i am so glad to have a group of friends like those guys. But overall it was a brilliant night and the cake was lush😍.

I also updated the children series today, I'm sorry if that's a crap chapter but I did post it this morning, and I just wrote down what was in my head, cause I was really tired this morning as I didn't get in till about 11ish.

Please read, vote and comment😘

Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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