#38 - He Supports You At An Important Event

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5 Seconds Of Summer Preferences

#38 - He Supports You At An Important Event

Luke: You were the last dance group to perform. Your nerves were playing up big time. You joined the Spotlight Dance Academy, six years ago and since then you've made friends and danced your heart out. You kept going even when you started dating Luke. "Please welcome our last dance group of the night... Spotlight Dance Academy!" The commentator announced. During the dance, you saw your boyfriend, Luke, standing with your family and his mum, all of them were taking pictures, dancing, clapping and cheering as you and your dance team finished the dance. "And this years winner of The Teen Dance Awards go to...." The pause in the arena didn't help your nerves at all. "Spotlight Dance Academy!."  The calm after the winning, you ran up to Luke and jumped in his arms. "Congratulations baby girl. I'm so proud of you." He explained as you kissed his forehead. "Thank you Lukey. I'm just happy you came." You spoke softly.

Calum: Today was your older brothers wedding day. Y/B/N and his girlfriend have been together for four years, and that's when he decided to propose. Their one year old son, was in your arms as you sat in the church, your boyfriend, Calum sitting beside you. "Hey Cal. Glad you could make it." Y/B/N said as they gave each other a hug. "Best of luck mate." Calum said as you smiled. Later that night, the married couple were on the floor, dancing to their wedding song. You and Calum decided to join and slow dance with them and everyone else. "I'm so pleased you could come along today." You said as Calum rested his forehead against yours. "I'm glad I did come, I got to watch my future brother in law get married. One day that will be us." Calum explained as you smiled. "I love you." You mumbled. "I love you too princess." Calum spoke as you shared a sweet kiss and carried on swaying to the music.

Michael: "Y/N Y/N Y/N!" You heard your name being chanted in the stands as you passed the ball to your team mate. You were the team caption of your football/soccer team for your college. You looked at the stands and saw your boyfriend standing there with a proud grin on his face, your family and his family, and the boys were also there supporting you. Once the game had finished, your team had won the match and made it through to the final game in the season. "Y/N I'm so proud of you." Michael exclaimed as he picked you up, holding you close as he kissed your lips slowly. "Thanks babe. I'm happy we got into the final this season." You said happily as you watched everyone around you. "I'm glad I could be here today. I love you so much." Your boyfriend told you as he placed you back on your feet. "Same here Mikey. And I love you so much too." You told your boyfriend, as you walked off the pitch hand in hand, both smiles on your faces.

Ashton: It was your college graduation. You were nervous as hell as you had to speak in front of your college buddies, friends and family. "I'd like to welcome to the stand, Y/N Y/L/N!" Your principle announced. You walked on and smiled when you saw Ashton at the end of the back row. "Welcome to this years graduation ceremony. This year has been crazy, but we all got through it. Ups and downs, incomplete work, drama and breakdowns, but coming here brought the best in me. I'm proud to be student here, at Stanford Arts College." Everyone cheered as you finished your speech and walked off. After the graduation, you met Ashton outside and wrapped your arms round his neck. "My baby girl has graduated college." Your boyfriend sung as he held you close. "Let's get a picture." Y/M/N gasped as you laughed. "I love you so much." Ashton mumbled as he rested his forehead against yours. "I love you too." You whispered. You were over the moon that Ashton got to see you graduate from college. 

Hey sunflowers.

Yesterday was the last day of summer and Monday its all back to normal. My first holiday club done at my new job and it was amazing. Normal OSC club from next week.

Also yesterday and today have been two emotional days for me. I've had to say goodbye to a really close friend this morning, and I'm extremely proud of her that she is heading to uni. And my other friend I have worked with other the six weeks, is leaving next month for uni, but he isn't coming back to do clubs until the next holidays. So it was really emotional for me, the reason why I haven't updated.

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Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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