The Secret Of Moonscar Island, And 'Tarzan' VS Were-Cats

Start from the beginning

Fred called out Lena's name out of the living room, but there was no response. He decided to look upstairs, but suddenly, the staircase popped open, causing him to fall to the ground. Daphne saw the opened staircase, and she saw Lena comforting Fred from his brief pain. Daphne, followed by Beau and Velma, walked down to speak to Lena.

"What's going on?" Daphne asked.

"It was a nightmare," Lena explained. "Miss Lenoir and I were outside waiting for you, when we attacked by these-- these--"

"Zombies?" Velma asked.

"Yes. We ran back to the house and Miss Lenoir opened the secret passageway. She said it was built during the Civil War to hide from union soldiers. But, the zombies came after us! They grabbed Miss Lenoir and dragged her away! Thank goodness you've come!" Lena went to Fred for him to comfort her.

Velma saw the footprints and studies them. "You say the zombies dragged Simone away?" She asked.

"Yes!" Lena exclaimed. "It was horrible!"

"Don't worry." Fred told her. "We'll find her. It's going to be okay."

Velma, Beau, Fred, Daphne and Lena walked down the tunnel and followed the footprints. The tunnel was damp, cold, and rundown, covered with dripping leaks from the plumbing system above them, and covered with rats. They walked down the dimly lit tunnel, until they found an old wooden door ahead.

Velma carefully opened the door and everyone entered a mysterious cavern. The room was covered with torches with a statue of a cat person and a moon dial with a cat face on it.

"Where are we?" Daphne asked.

"It seems to me that this is a place for voodoo rituals." Velma said. "But why don't we ask...Lena?"

"What are you talking about?" Fred asked.

"Her story about Simone getting dragged by zombies is not true. I found the footprints out of Simone's heels. She wasn't dragged, she walked down that tunnel."

Suddenly, they heard chains clanging from an old lever, opening a barred skyway window to reveal the moonlight.

"Very clever, Velma." Simone spoke, coming out the shadow. "But it is too late." She chuckled evilly and Lena expresses her evil smile.

Simone had two wax dolls in her hands and placed them on the wall. Velma and Daphne flew to the wall, knocking their guard down. Fred gasped in shock.

"Sorry, Fred." Lena said. "I really do like you." She had Fred's doll and placed it on the wall, making Fred fly to the wall.

"What would you do if you didn't like me?" Fred asked, feeling pain from his back.

Beau ran after Lena, but Lena happened to have another wax doll made into Beau, making him briefly fly in the air and slapped him against the wall.

Simone and Lena then started tying the dolls up with small rope, thus making sure the gang doesn't escape. Simone placed the dolls on a table next to a big cat statue torch. Velma discovered her eyeglass cleaning cloth torn and worn around her doll's neck.

"So, that's where the cleaning cloth for my glasses went." Velma said. She turns over to Beau. "Sorry I suspecting you."

"Apology accepted." Beau replied.

Simone stood herself in front of the moon dial, looking over the specific time where the shadow of the needle struck. In the top middle shows a spooky face of a cat, similar to the necklace Simone wears.

Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island (OC's included)Where stories live. Discover now