It's Terror Time Again!!!

Start from the beginning

"Take it easy, boys." Fred reassured him, whilst using the camera. "It's just a mask."

Daphne knelt near the person and attempted to take it off, but it didn't seem to work. "If this is a mask, Fred," She said to him. "It's a pretty darn good one."

"Good one?" Fred scoffed. "It's the fake-st, cheesiest mask I've ever seen."

"Do you think so, Fred?" Braedey asked. "I certainly don't."

"But it feels real," said Daphne. Daphne wiped the icky slime out of her hand and Fred offered to give it a try. He handed Shaggy his camera, but Shaggy was feeling very shaky, causing the shot to be shaky, so he handed the camera to Daphne. Fred started to pull the face.

"It's the gardener." Fred said.
"No." Daphne replied.

"It's the fisherman."
"No." Shaggy said.

"It's the ferryman."
"Ro." Scooby said.

"Maybe it's--" Fred then pulled off the zombie's head. "--real."

Fred screamed in horror, and tossed it to Braedey. Braedey tossed it to Naomi, then Naomi tossed it to Daphne, and Daphne tossed the head to Shaggy. Shaggy gave a final toss to Scooby, and Scobby threw it back to the ground, and it landed next to the body.

"I-I told you it wasn't a mask!" Daphne told Fred, as he held the camera.

"It-It must be an animatronic!" Fred exclaimed.

Everyone then watched the zombie come back to life and placed his head back on. The zombie groaned, causing the wind to blow to form circling clouds.

"Fred? Are you getting this?" Braedey asked, as Naomi then held his hand, but he didn't notice.

The clouds formed above into a swirling vortex, then shot a green aura lightning bolt down, and it went underwater. After it vanished, zombies began to rise up from their graves.

"Like, it's deja vu again!" Shaggy exclaimed. "We all know what to do, eh, Scoob?"

"Reah!" Scooby replied. "Run!" With that, the two ran off like a ghost was on their tails.

"And I suppose, they're all animatronic too!" Daphne said fearfully to Fred.

"Well, it is a possibility, Daph!" Fred replied, as the zombies continued to rise out of the water, like ants swarming out of the anthill.

"You're not as skeptic, Freddie. You are in denial." Daphne told Fred, but saw she and Fred were all surrounded by the zombies. But then, they heard a loud scream coming from the house.

"It's Lena!" Fred realised. "We left her and Simone unprotected!"

"Come on!" Daphne dragged him along, but he then tripped on a tree root, lost grip of the camera, and it fell into quicksand, then sunk below, never to be seen again. "The camera! It's quicksand!" Daphne cried, since she lost all the footage of the zombies and ghosts.

"This way!" Fred pointed to a clearing, then he and Daphne ran away from the zombies.

Braedey then looked up to the trees, then he had an idea. "Naomi, hold on." He told her, and the cloaked woman then wrapped her arms around his neck.

He then held out his left wrist, and fired a cable from it, wrapping around a very high branch, and with all his might, he pulled him and Naomi into the air, soaring above for a moment, then gravity took over. But, Braedey fired another cable from his right wrist, and soon enough, he and Naomi were swinging from tree to tree like Tarzan in the jungle.

"AAAHHH-AAHHAAHAAA-AAHHAAHAAAA!!!" He bellowed out, as his Tarzan call echoed out, until it disappeared into the distance.

You hear the screeching of an owl,
You hear the wind begin to howl,
You know there's zombies on the prowl...

Scooby and Shaggy were taking the terrifying turn for the worse. They almost got eaten by a alligator that resembled a log while heading to the other side. As they do so, they saw three Confederate war soldiers, and they got spooked like crazy, and they ran back.

It's terror time again,
They got you running through the night.
It's terror time again,
And you just might die of fright.
It's a terrifying time

Scooby then jumped over a log, and got got stuck in quicksand, whilst Shaggy was looking for some rope to get him. Then, a zombie who was behind him gave it to him, and Shaggy shivered, and swung over the quicksand, and managed to get Scooby out of the quicksand.

You hear the beating of your heart,
You know the screaming's gonna start,
Here comes the really scary part...

With Fred and Daphne, they were running like there was no tomorrow. With three zombies following them, they needed a plan and fast. So, they found a large tree branch, pulled it back, then let it go, like a large slingshot. It struck down the three zombies, but the third's lower half was still walking towards them, making Fred and Daphne looked shocked and freaked out by what they saw.

Cause it's terror time again,
They got you running through the night.
It's terror time again,
And you just might die of fright.
It's a terrifying time

Back with Shaggy and Scooby, they were running like mad through the bayou, when suddenly, a hook and fishing line got caught on Shaggy's shirt, and the teen was reeled back, knocking into Scooby, and they bounced off each tree trunk like pinballs in a pinball machine. Snakebite Scruggs saw what happened, and growled in anger, as Shaggy and Scooby then rolled down a hill.

All the trees begin to moan
And the monsters grunt and groan
Rotting faces full of slime
Don't you know it's terror time?

All the while, Velma and Beau hadn't run into any zombies, but as they pushed back some branches of a bush, they discovered Fred and Daphne hiding inside the bush, and the three Mystery Inc. members screamed out, that they were the zombies.

Cause it's terror time again,
They got you running through the night.
It's terror time again,
And you just might die of fright.
It's a terrifying time!!!


A/N: the song 'It's Terror Time Again' belongs to Skycycle, and on another note, it's one of the best songs that I've heard. It always sent chills down my back whenever I watch that scene.

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