Dinner Night, And Zombies Rising From The Grave

Start from the beginning

"Saw another ghost!" Shaggy exclaimed.

Shaggy carefully opened the door to his and Scooby's room, and everyone entered. There seemed to be nothing unusual in this room and no sighting of the ghost anywhere.

"Like, in the mirror," Shaggy spoke in fear. "It's some Civil War guy."

"Well, there's nothing in the mirror now, guys." Fred pointed out.

Daphne, Velma, and Braedey took a look around the mirror, from top to bottom.

"There's nothing behind the mirror either." Velma said. She took a deeper look. "Wait a minute." She moved behind the mirror and saw a plaque covered in dust. She blew on it, and Scooby reacts to the dust by sneezing at Velma. Her glasses are crooked and dusty.

"Rexcuse me." Scooby apologised

"That's okay, Scooby." Velma replied. She reached to her pocket to dig for her cleaning cloth, but she can't seem to find it. Scooby took her glasses and cleaned it up with his tail. He gave them back to her and she thanked him. She then read what the plaque had displayed.


"That sounds like a Civil War regiment." Braedey deduced.

"There were Confederate barracks on this island." Simone explained.

"Like, ghost pirates!" Shaggy exclaimed. "Ghost soldiers! What's next?"

"Dinner!" Lena shouted out. Lena appeared at the threshold of the door. "From all the screaming up here, you two must be starving." She asked.


Everyone soon gathered at the dining room, where they saw a table filled to delicious entrees and side dished Lena prepared. A pot full of sweet gumbo, fluffy biscuits, crawfish, and potato casserole. Simone was looking forward to eat with her guests, but not when Scooby is at the table. She asked them to take Scooby to the kitchen where she believes it was a proper place for pets to eat.

Fred seemed to enjoy all the tasty things Lena made and he was very impressed, but that made Daphne jealous. As this happened, a small white cat jumped up onto Simone's lap.

"Where's Beau?" Daphne asked.

"He and Naomi usually have dinners in their rooms in the carriage house." Simone explained to them.

"I brought them some food." Lena said. "But they weren't there."

"Figures." Fred huffed, then ate a biscuit.

Down at the kitchen, more of Simone's cats were eating dinner in their bowls. Scooby growled angrily and attempted to go after them once again. Shaggy struggled to keep Scooby from chasing them any more cats, but that didn't work. He chased after the cats, as Shaggy chased after Scooby.

"Exactly, how long has Beau and Naomi been working here, Miss Lenoir?" Velma asked.

"Several months." Simone replied. "And it's Simone, Velma. In addition, Naomi has a rather peculiar and strange background, and she seemed distant when we brought her in, and that was around a few years ago."

"Well, I think those guys are pretty suspicious." Fred said, eating the gumbo.

"They each have excellent references--" Their conversation was then interrupted when Shaggy and Scooby entered the dining room with some cat food on their heads.

"Like, I don't think eating in the kitchen is a good idea." Shaggy said to Simone. "You know, cats."

"Rats!" Scooby growled, when he saw Simone holding the white cat. The cat hissed back at him in defense. Shaggy tried to calm Scooby down by pulling on his collar.

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