Chapter 10 (Herzen Fugue's Funeral)

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On Wednesday morning, the parking lot of the Concerto County Catholic Cathedral is filled with several gliders and helicopters

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On Wednesday morning, the parking lot of the Concerto County Catholic Cathedral is filled with several gliders and helicopters. A whole crowd fills up the church and waits for the celebration of life to start. For the opening, the choir sings one of Johann Sebastian Bach's cantatas "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Now Come, Savior of the Heathens) [BWV 62]."

During the funeral Mass, the priest allows Sherry to read Herzen Fugue's eulogy

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During the funeral Mass, the priest allows Sherry to read Herzen Fugue's eulogy.

Herzen Fugue was a great man,

Who cared so much about us,

He was an interactive man,

Who enjoyed sharing his time with us,

The events we have had,

The parties we have had,

5K Color Runs, Disco Parties, and Orchestral Concerts were his favorites things to attend,

He never missed a single concert, nor any of those special events,

He was always a positive and peaceful man,

Who we accepted for almost eight years,

He was a very good role model for everyone here in Cadenza,

Now, we shall do what he did,

And remain on the bright side,

Herzen Fugue will always be remembered as a peaceful president.

Then, the crowd gives her a round of applause.

After the funeral, thecasket is buried in the graveyard behind the church. The wife of the presidentthanks Sherry for reading the eulogy. Then, she thanks Tim and Teresa Tivolifor filling in for her husband at the Cadenzian Council House. "I am so gladthat you choose to do this for him," she says to them. "Anytime," they reply.

The Journey to Cadenza (October 2016 Special Edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora