Chapter 6 (The Video Chat)

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Back at the hospital in Cadenza, the twenty children take a break from sitting in front of the television. They have just finished watching "Gulliver's Travels." Sherry feels concerned about Richard again. "What is wrong, Sherry?" President Fugue asks her. She answer him, "I am concerned about Richard." "Why is that?" he asks her and continues, "Is he traveling long distances?" "Uh huh," she says, "Eh... Eh... And I am afraid he is going to freeze to death if he ends up becoming stranded in the middle of nowhere. It is too dangerous to travel at this time of night." "I must have heard something like that this morning during my blood test," President Fugue replies. "You probably did," she says to him, "You are certainly right. You heard me read one of his online posts this morning." She asks the president if she can make a video call to the king and queen of Cannonville to see if Richard left Motive. The president responds, "If you want to, you can. Be my guest." Sherry thanks him, and opens the Phone-vision application on the television set. Next, she logs onto her Phone-vision account, and makes a video call to the king and queen of Cannonville.

Dinner is still being consumed in The Cannonville Castle, but King Bob and Queen Clippria answer the video call anyway. The video call from Sherry Nelson is being projected on a big screen behind Richard's table. Richard turns around to look at the screen. A big camera is shown above the screen. "Good evening, your majesties," Sherry and the president greet on the screen. The king and queen respond happily, "Why hello. You two are just in time to see a wonderful man here." "Who?" they ask. "It is Richard Ferguson," they reply. Sherry gasps and places her palms on the corners of the television screen. Looking at the camera above, she responds happily, "Richard, I am so glad that you are alright. I miss you so much. Tell me you are alright." Richard replies while standing by his table, "The campers all said goodbye and wished me well on my long journey." "Aww," she replies, "I am so proud of you for being so brave traveling by yourself." "I walked for many hours in the cold," he adds, "Then, Harvey the bear rescued me from the deep snow." Harvey the bear roars calmly letting Sherry know that Richard is alright. "Thanks for saving him, Harvey," Sherry says.

She tilts her head towards the president to make sure he can see the screen. Then, she backs up and sits next to him. "I do not understand," the president says, "How is Harvey trained to rescue travelers?" King Bob answers in detail, "I adopted Harvey as a cub when his mother died from drinking out of a polluted lake on a Spring day. I had no choice, but to bring him home with me and teach him the things we do in society. I taught him a whole bunch of things; act like a gentleman, use his manners, seek for those in danger and grab them from anything harmful, roar in specific ways that let people know that there is something good or bad, and pick up the birds that fall off the trees for practicing purposes. Harvey applies what he learns to his daily life. Now, he is a rescuer. It took him years to become a rescuer."

"Wow," both Sherry and the president respond, "Now, what about the deer beside him?" Queen Clippria answers, "Harold the deer was also adopted for the same reason. His mother was with Harvey's mother when they both drank from the same polluted lake. Harvey and Harold were about a quarter mile away from the lake, and they were afraid to drink out of it. When we adopted Harold, my husband and I trained him to do the following; act like a gentleman, run like a horse, and find people who need help and care. Now, Harold is an observer and a carrier. He will always allow Harvey to set rescued people on his back for traveling purposes. Harvey and Harold always work together and never separate. They act as if they are well-behaving brothers." "Amazing," both Sherry and the president exclaim.

"So," King Bob says to President Fugue, "I am curious to know why you are strapped in bed like that." President Fugue explains, "Your majesty, the doctors and nurses told me I am diagnosed with leukemia. I did not know about it until this afternoon. They did a blood test, and that is how I found out." "Goodness gracious," the king replies, "Tonight, I will tell the priest at our local cathedral to add that to our prayer list. Tomorrow, we will have nine o'clock Mass, and we will all be praying for your recovery." "Thank you," says the president.

"Well, we would like tochat with you all," both Sherry and the president say, "But we better let youall finish your dinner. We would not want all that food to get cold." "Oh, that is right. We better finish our dinner before it gets cold," the Queen responds."It was nice seeing you all," both Sherry and the president say simultaneously,"And you too, Richard." The call has ended. "Now, we must eat your dinner," the king commands, "The food is getting cold."

The Journey to Cadenza (October 2016 Special Edition)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें