Finally Together

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heers chapter 2. so ...



RECAP:My esyes searched the group till i found him...

my twin, Prodigy


i watched as Prodigy came over with the rest of MB and sat down on the other side of the table, Prod across from me. I looked over to my mom and saw her sitting back down so i went with her. I looke over to the boys and saw all four of them looking at me

"Um hi, I'm Cyra" i smiled shyly. "well i'm Prodigy thats Roc, Ray, and Princeton. Its nice to meet you." they all smiled at me, I looked over to Roc and saw him wink to me. I looked down at my drawing blushing. 

It was silent for a short moment, then Walter stood up, clearing his throut getting everyones attention. i knew what he was gonna say, so i opened my art book to a clean page and started drawing the boys. even though i was drawing i was still listening to Walter had to say.

"ok well you boys are probably wondering why we brought you here, and why Cyra and her mom were here." all the boys looked over to me and nodded. Walter continued. "well her mom is here to tell Prodigy something important..So ms. Perry..."

i looked up from my drawing to see my mom standing up, looking over to Prodigy. she looked to me then back to Prodigy.

Prod had a confused look on his face. he stopped messing with the tablle cloth and listened to my mom as she started telling him.

"ok well I'm just gonna come out with it and tell you. if you have any questions later, both (looks to me then Prod) can ask. Craig, I'm your"

I saw mom tear up, so i grabbed her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. Prodigy looked to me starring. he was probably thinking about what i had to do with it. so i slowly stood up and looked to my mom then Prodigy, who looked like he was about to cry...aww.

"Well i guess your wondering what i have to do with this(he nodded), well i"m your twin."

when i said that the rest of the boys kinda came back to life. Raay shot out of his seat clapping. "I KNEW IT!!!" he came over from his spot and hugged me spinning me around.

i laughed holding on to his shoulders. "what was that for?"

he set me back down, and laughed with me.'I'm just really happy, that im right for once!" 

"oh ok,lol" i looked over to Prodigy who was watching us, with tears in his eyes. i walked over to him and opened my arms wide. "come on, hug me. you know you want to. Come one. Don't fight it!!" 

he looked up at me and smiled, hopping out of his seat. He slide into my arms hugging me back just as tight as i was. 

We stood there hugging for a while. Everyone just watched as we had our first twin moment. later i felt two more pair of arms wrap around us. I looked up from Prodigy's chest and saw my mom and some man hugging us. prodigy turned around and hugged my mom, leaving me to be face to face with some man i dont know.

"Hey babygirl. You look so grown up." I just stared at the man wiht a blank look on my face."oh sorry I'm your dad." so this was my dad. One thing Man got swagg. 

He smiled at me when a smile came across my face. i ran up to him hugging him tight. he picked my up spinning me around. I started crying while hugging him. when he pulled away from the hug he wiped my tears with his thumb.

"aw, babygirl dont cry. everythings fine, im here now" he said while pulling me into another hug. i laughed into his chest for some reason.

I felt happy, i got to meet my twin AND my dad for the first time.


When everyone got settled, we started going up pto the buffe line to get our food. All us 'kids' went together. All the guys were huddled aroound me asking me all kind of random questions. 

"Ok, Ok guys, how about i ask tonight if you gys can stay the night, and you can ask me all the questions you want?" they all nodded smiling a big smile. i walked over to the food line, and grabbed a plate. Roc came and stood by me.

"so when did you find out about Prodigy?" i looked down at my phone and looked at the time 8:25.."um about 2 hours ago" i locked my Iphone back and looked up to roc. "Thats crazy"i nodded my head agreeing with us.

we were waiting in line(there were alot of people) talking and laughing Roc was trying to flirt with me but it always failed. 

Prodigy walked up infront of me, getting my attention. "hey whats up Cyra?"

I could tell he was jealous by Roc because i was busy talking to Roc and not hanging out with my twin. So i turned to him and started talking to him. "nothing, just waiting to get my food haha"

we laughed looking at all the people infront of us. while we waited we all started talking about random things.


After we finally got our food, we walked back to our private room. I was confused why all the adults had food already.

"how do you guys have food aready?" Mb was just as confused as me. my mom laughed at me and said "we ordered from the menu."

"well why couldnt we do that?" Walter answered this time." we wanted to give you guys  chance to talk, and us adult had to go over some things."

we all nodded, then walked to our seats, i moved over by Prodigy so my dad could take my seat. Everyone kinda broke up and started their own convos. 


 we were all going to our cars. turned out we were all parked by each other. I decided to ask my mom about the boys staying the night.

"hey mom. cn the boys stay the night?" i said loud enough that even Walter and Keishe could hear. Mom agreed with them and asked the managers. they both said yea, and took the boy to te back of there van and pulled out all their suitcases. 

The grabbed them and walked over to me. i took them around to the back of the car and opened the trunk for them and let them put their bags then closed it.

"OK kids, hop in. TO THE HOUSE!!"

we all laughed and got in the car, ad drove off to the house.

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