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'hey wake them up' I heard someone whisper. 'Nigga no. I aint getting slapped!' Someone whispered/yelled. I heard footsteps coming closer then stopping close by me. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" Someone shouted in my ear. I shot up pulling Cyra's boby protectivly to me, when i realized where i was. She woke up moving around, then looking up at me. I looked down to her and gave her a quick perk then turned my head so i could see who all was here. 

The whole gang was standing around me and Cyra smirking down at us. Casey was bend down by my she was the one that screamed in my ear.I'll remember that. Ray was smirking at Cyra, and when she saw him she blushed and looked down moving out of my lap. I reach out for her, pulling her back to my before she could get up.

"Let me go, Rocy" She whined struggling to get out of my grip. I let her go, pulling her up with me. I brushed off my pants, and then brushed off Cyra

[A/N: Cyra had on Roc's shirt..cause of last night..yeah. AND she has panties on(js)]

"SO how was YOUR night guys?!!?" Ray asked smirking at Cyra again. I grabbed Cyra and wrapped my arms around her pulling her into my chest. "It was wonderful, thanks for asking." I said after kissing Cyra's forehead. I looked down to Cyra to find her blushing...since when did she become so shy...Well i do have that affect on the ladies.

"Well lets get home so we can get ready." Prodigy said pulling Cyra away from me. "Wait, ready for what?" I asked holding Cyras hand while prodigy had her wrapped up. "Keisha and Walter have news for MB." Princeton said giving me the look.

Aw Shit...not now



After we got home i went and took a shower to get the sand off of me. I was just standing here enjoying the warm water on my body. It had gotten really cold last night after we fell asleep, and I was still freezing. 

'Hey Babe?" I heard from outside the curtian. I poked my head out the side, and saw Roc sitting on the sink counter. "babe what are yyou doing in here?" i asked pulling the curtian to cover me. Roc smirked at me when i did that. 

"everyone was being all lovey dovey and i missed you.." He said hopping off the counter, and walked over to me giving me a passionate kiss. I kissed back then pulled back. "I have only been gone for 5 minutes." I said smiling at me.

'5 minutes to long.." he said pulling me for another kiss. he took off his clothes and got in the shower. I was looking straight into his eyes, not leaving them. He came closer pulling me to him, chest to chest. He was looking into my eyes, then pulled me into another kiss, each of us moaning into eachothers mouths. 

I opened my mouth letting his tounge explore, while mine did the same. 

He pushed me to the shower wall and started at it...just like on the beach.



I went to my room to get my earbuds, and now was heading back to the others. I pasted the bathroom and heard a moan from inside. Them two....

I walked to away from the door and to the living room. "Hey Casey, looks like i earned some more money...." I smirked at her. Her face had a shocked look as she said "Them two...Im gonna go broke soon." She pulled out 10 and handed it to me.

"Nice doing business with you babe." i said taking it and giving her a kiss.

I Wonder if Casey would give it to me in a shower.........



I am gonna KILL Roc.......



OHHH Cyra getting it......;)



Im gonna KILL them TWO.......................



I wonder if Celeste would be good in the shower................ I sat there starring at her daydreaming



When me and Roc were...finished. we got out and dried off. Roc was trying to dry me off but i knew where that was gonna lead. So i stoped him.

We went in the closet our towels around us. I was on my side, he was on him.

[A/N: The boys live with Cyra, and Roc shares her room too JS]

I picked out some white short shorts, a purple half shirt that showed my belly ring and said 'Taken By Yo Boy Roc' on the front in black.(Rco got it for me) I grabbed a Blue and black Jordans. I put that on, then did my hair, make up and put on one of rocs white snapbacks..


Roc had on black skinnies, a blue shirt that I got him said 'I love my girl Cyra' on the front and some white and blue Jordans and a black snapback.


"Ok lets go babe." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my room, and headed downstairs.


When we got downstairs everyone was watching Shake It Up waiting for us. Ray was the first to see us. He once again wore the smirk he had on the beach. gosh this boy.

'How was the shower?" He asked winking at me and Roc. I just rolled my eyes, and grabbed my phone, and house keys.

"We ready to go?" I asked everyone. They all nodded and got their stuff and headed out to the car.

Celeste was wearing black short shorts, a green chopped shirt that had a heart on it and White and Green Jordans. her hair was up in a messy bun with a green ribbin in it. Casey had on purple short shorts a white chopped shirt with 'I heart Him' on it and purple and black Jordans. The Boys were wearing black skinnies and plain colored shirts to match their girl. 

"So what is the news thay have to tell you guys?" Celeste asked holding hands with Prince. None of the boys answered just looked around avioding our eyes." Uh Nothing, we know of..." Ray said into Caseys neck.

Somethings was up with them....


OK Thats it for this chapter....

If the girls ask me to do another one i probably will.

And just to let you know, I'm not a freaky freak person I mean sometimes it comes out, but not a lot. So dont judge, cause its not like i went into detail. cause that i WILL NOT do.....

So Yeah.....


A Mindless Twin!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum