The Sleep Over!

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Mom was driving up to the house right now. We were jamming to the boys CD that i had the cd player. It it first started playing i was gonna take it out but the boys were enjoying it. i watched them at they started singing and dancing to it.

After a while i joined them, singing along with Prodigy. i hadent noticed that they stopped singing and i was left to sing by myself. When i opened my eyes to find them starring and smiling, i got shy again and turned back to the front blushing.

They had heard me singing....

It was silent after that, except the music playing in the background. I could feel the boys watching me from their spots in the back. They were probably waiting for me to start singing again...

but I never did.


When we pulled up at the house, i hopped out grabbing my phone, and my art book. The boys stayed in their spot starrin gout the window at the house.

"Are you guys gonna come and look at the inside, or enjoy the front?" i asked as opening the door to the back. The all hopped out, went around back and got their bags.'LEGOOOO!!"

They took off running to the front door standing there excited, waiting for mom to unlock the door. As soon as the door opened they went running in. They dropped their bags infront of the stairs looking up at the singles on the roof, their mouths wide open.

"Ok Cyra take the boys up to the guess room by you and place their bags in their, then you guys can hang out where ever."she said while laughing at the boys faces.

"Ok. Lets go boys." I took off up the stairs, with the boys right on my heels. When we got to the fourth floor(its five floors including the basement) i took them to the guess room to put their bags up. then we went to my room. 

When i opened I ran up the five steps to get to my bed (the bed is like teddys on Good Luck Charlie) and plopped down. The boys stayed by the door looking around taking it all in.

"Damn, this is dope, twinny!" the other boys nodded agreeing with Prod. "thankz, i designed it myself."

They all looked at me shocked then started shouting things to me at the same time. like 'Can you do my room' or "Oh my gosh that is so cool!!'

I get that from everyone that comes in my room for the first time.

"I almost designed the game room, Kids area, and Movie Room." they all started jumping up and down like a little kid in a candy store. "You hve a game room, kids area AND a movie room?"

i nodded my head. "Theres also a indoor pool, outside pool, a dance studio, a instrument room, a mini kitchen on each floor, and a candy shop." When i said that they all started running around screaming like little girls.

Oh Lordy...

After about 2 minutes they calmed down. "Ok Ok we are so taking a tour later!!!" Princeton said, walking over to the green bing bag chair by the tv. The other boys did the same except Prodigy who came and sat by me laying his head in my lap, yawning. 

"Boy you better not fall asleep on me." I told me while i was playing with his little blond curlies.He turned his head to look up at me and poked my nose. "Dont touch my nose, Little boy."

he poked me again. "Uh i not little im older than you." 

"You dont know that!" I said to him pushing him off me. "Um i think i do." He rolled his eyes at me and walked over to the red bing bag, and sat down. I pressed the button above my bed, and waited till i heard moms voice. "Yes hunny?"

"I got a question." there was a pause till mom said "well..." oh she was waiting for my question."oh sorry, i wanted to know who was older me or Prodigy?" she laughed.

'i knew that question was coming. Prodigy is the oldest." Prodigy hopped up from his seat and started dancing around chanting 'oh yea im older. oh yea' i picked up a pillow at throw it at his head, which hit where i was aiming.

OH YEA!!!!

He stoped dancing and glared at me. I gave him a sweet smile back. "Ok mom, thankz. Bye."

'goodnight kids." we all yelled 'goodnight' back and i removed my finger from the button. I got off my bed and went over to the boys and sat on Prodigy who was now sitting messing with his phone. 

I grabbed it from him, and went to his contacts, added my number and took a picture for my number icon. after i was done i went back to the contacts. i was looking through them and came to a name that made we scream.

"OMG you have diggys number!!!" i screamed hopping up from Prods lap and dancing around. The boys sat there laughing at me. Prodigy walked over to me and snached his phone from my hand, and placed his hands on my shoulder to stop moving.

"I'm famous i have lots of celebries number. No big deal" is this boy crazy.

"No Big Deal!! Boy you have one of the finest boys ON THE PLANETS number. That is a HUGE deal." I slapped his arm.

The rest of the boys all laughed at me and Prodigy arguing. I had to say it was funny. here i was fighting with Prodigy, my twin over something stupid.


It was about 3:30 in the morning. Me and Roc were the only ones up. We were just talking about basically nothing, but it meant something. We both were on the edge of falling asleep, when i heard a light knock on my window.

Roc hopped up, standing infront of me looking like he was gonna kill someone if they came thru the window. Me both watched the window for about a min before another knock was heard from outside.

This time it was our knock. 'Our' was me and my besties Casey and Celeste.

I stood up from my spot on the floor and walked around Roc, To have him grab my arm pulling me back against his chest. :Are you crazy!! Dont go over there!!'

"I know who it is. It my besties." I pulled my arm away from him and walked over to the window opening it up to find a crying Celeste, and Casey comforting her.


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