At the Park

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so i ddin this on my phone, then my phone shut off making my lose all my woke.

So I was no joke

So here we go AGAIN





As soon as we hit the playground at the park, me and the girls took koff running for the swings. We stopped dead in our tracks, when we saw that there was only two big kid ones and then two baby ones. 

We took on glance at each swing then at eachother..."ITS MINE!!!" We yelled taking off running again, pushing and shoving. The boys were close behind watching us. I was in the lead, and was about to grab one of the good swings when a leg came infront of me causing me to fall to the ground.

"SHIT!!" I sadi looking up to see Casey in the swing smirking down at me. I flipped her off pushing my self off the ground. "Sorry Ray already has that job." She said throughing a wink in Ray's direction. 

I was fake gagging when the boys finally made it to us. "Wait I do what?" Ray asked walking behdin Cas and started pushing her. Me and the girls laughed when she turned around and gave Ray a kiss...them two

I looked to the swing next to her, to find Maya already in it, Prodigy pushing her. I glared at her walking over to the baby set. Celeste was beside me laughing at me as i examed the swing and my butt. I pushed the seat away stepping back.

'Ok there is so no way this," I said pointing to my butt "Is getting in that!" Celeste leaned over and poked my butt. 'yep i dont see her getting in it AND getting out." She said laughing along with everyone. 

I glared at them waiting for them to shut up. As I waited i looked around the park stopping at a van parked in the parking lot. When i read the sign i shouted "ICE CREAM!!" I ran over to Roc grabbing his hand pulling him away to the ice cream truck.

I heard the girls yell the sae thing and take off running behind me and Roc. 

When i reached the truck, i walked to the window looking at theh menu on the side. "Umm...can i have a...cookies & cream?" I said finally decided.

The guy nodded then disappeared to the back, when he came back he had my ice cream in a plastic cup. "1:15' he said handing me the ice cream. I dug around in my bag, then looked up o find Roc already handing the guy the money. 

I glared at him, then smiled when Roc gave me a quick kiss. 'Thankz" I said taking to the cup from him. I went to stand by the side as he ordered. 

When he walked over to me, i looked to see that he had gotten strawberry with colorful sprinkles, m&ms adn gummy bears. I grabbed his spoon taking some and trying it. 

it was actually good. 

I looked back up to Roc to find him wtih his mouth hanging open. "Ok girl, i know you did not just eat my ice cream...i will cut you!! He said in a bad girl voice. I laughed then gave him a kiss. "Your lucky I love you!" I said linking arms with him, walking off to the fountain with him. 


Me and Ray taken everyones trash to throw it away, and was one our way back. i was poking hi in his side as she did a girly laugh. It was so funny...and wierd. We were almost back to the group when he said something stupid. "So i asked the ice cream dude if he had taco flavor ice cream...he called me crazy and have my chocalate. Chocalate! i dont eat choacalate. its like eating my self..." He said whining. 

This boy.....

How does Casey do it.....

I shook my head at him laughing. "Ray you are something know?" I said giving him a playful push. "Yea I know..." He said smiling proudly to himself. 'Ok just making sure." I said as we got to the group.

Maya and Prodigy were standing by a tree throwing acorns at eachother. Celly and Prince were sitting under a different tree cuddling, taking turns kissing eachothers nose. I looked over to the fountain to find Cas and Roc running their hands in the water.

I nugded ray pointing at the two, then took off walking up behind them as quite as i could with Ray. I went to oRoc covering his eyes, while Ray went and tickled Casey stealing a kiss here and there. 

I turned back to Roc whispering in his ear. "Guess who?" I said in a deep man voice. "CHARLIE!! You came back!!" He said turning around giving me and kiss. I kissed back then pulled away. "Charlie.... really?" I said sitting on his lap. " just swag like that!" He said kissing my nose. 

"Rack City Bitch, Rack City Bicth...1010 20 on yo-" Rocs pulled out his phone from his pocket, answering it. "YELLOW!!" He yelled. I laughed from his lap still. He smiled at me pulling me closer, as he listened into the phone.

'yea..ok...just for the people on tour...oh thats fine...well can we bring some people...yea they are joining the tour when it starts back up...ok we'll be there...ok peace." He said then hanging up. he turned his hand to look at Ray." Hey that was Diggy. he is having a cook out/pool party, for everyone on tour and a few others. You two wanna go?"

"yea sure!" ray said getting up holding hands with Casey. me and Roc got up with them and we all walked back to everyone else.



'Hey girls, do you feel up for a diggy party?" I asked when we reached the others. The girls purked up nodding their heads. "well we need to run by the hotel and get bathing suits." I said. "OK!" Everyone said getting up and tok off for the car. Prodigy drove us back to the hotel, since he was the oldest. 

We ran in, changed into our bathing suits threw some clothes back over them then left for the party.


"Hey little bros, who are theres beautiful ladies/" Diggy said coming to greet us as we walked to the back yard. The girls just stood there giggling starring at Diggy. I spoke up when diggy started starring back at Cyra. "This is my girl friend Cyra, Rays Casey, Princes Celeste, and Maya who is soon gonna be with Prod. " I said, then pulling Cyra into a hug. 

Diggy looked at me and Cyra with a dissapointed look on his face. Yeah nigga this is all get to steppin!! 

The girls waved at him, giggling again which caused all us guys to grab them before they walked up to him. Diggy smirked at us then walked off saying bye to the girls. "Bye ladies, Cyra..." He said starring at Cyra as he walked off. 

She pulled away from me then ran to the girls sqeulling. me and the boys rolled our eyes then went grabbed our girls and took them to the pool chairs. "OK Lets get this Party started!!" I heard Diggy yell after a few more guest showed up. I saw him wink at Cyra again and her looking down blushing. 

This is gonna be one..hell of a party.


OK thats it for tonight. 

Tomorrows Valentines Day....

I hope everyones is better then mine.......



BUT I hope you enjoyed the story:)

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