Hate On Cyra Day

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[Rocs POV]

I woke up this morning to find Cyra still sleep, facing me. My arms were wrapped around her like always, her head was rested on my chest. I looked at the lump behind her and saw that Ray was still in here. His face was pressed up against Cyras back. 

I pushed his head back causing him to twitch in his sleep, and pulled Cyra on top of me. I pushed her curls out of her face causing her face to scrunch up. She brought her hand up to her face and covered her eyes. 

"Good Morning." I heard her say as she moved her head so it wasn't facing the window. I sat her up on my lap and turned her to face me. I grabbed her by her neck and pulled her to me pressing my lips onto hers. I left her hands coming up to my neck so i moved mine down to her waist. 

"Ugh Really, even when you people wake up your going at it." I heard from beside us. Cyra pulled away laughing, while I glared down at Ray. I pushed him off the bed causing a big boom to fill the room. "OW."He said siting up rubbing his back. "Oh get over it." I told him. 

Cyra laughed at us both then got up and headed to the bathroom. I watched after her and as soon as the door closed I jumped off the side of the bed and landed on Ray. "Nigga get up!!" He said pushing me up. "You just messed up me and Cyras morning make out session." I told him pooping him in the back of the head.

"Ow AGAIN! And I don't care!" He said standing up. I stood up then pushed him out the room. "Bye." I said shutting the door in his face. "Uh...rude." i heard him yell from the other side. I shook my head then walked to the closet and grabbed some clothes. 

I set them on the bed then went to the bathroom. "Hey baby!" Cyra called out from behind the shower curtain. I laughed then striped and slide into the shower. She looked into my eyes like always and smiled up at me. 

I picked up the soap and started cleaning myself. After we were done we got out and dried off. Once again Cyra wouldn't let me help, but can't blame a man for trying. 

I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed to the sink. I pulled on my long curls and started pulling them back. "i was thinking about getting my hair cut." I said putting it into a bun. "WHAT! You can't do that! we're puff buddies. BUDDIES! f you get it cut then what about us?" Cyra said wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"baby, we'll still be Roc and Cyra. The couple that can't live without each other and nothing, not even my hair, is gonna change that. So don't sweat it." I told her issing her forehead. She frowned at me in the mirror and nodded. "But if you did, i think you would look sexier." She said smirking at me.

"Well then I guess that's what I'm doing today." I said winking over to her. She laughed then went back to brushing her teeth. After my teeth were clean and my hair was perfect I left the bathroom and got dressed.

Cyra came out a little after me with her curls bouncing with every step she took. I watched as she walked to the closet and got out her outfit for the day. White short shorts, a red tank top, and black and white suspenders. She set it on the bed and walked to the dresser and grabbed panties and a bra. 

I smirked as she dropped her towel and put them on. "Stop watching me freak." She said turning around after she fastened her bra. "Ok sorry." I said winking at her. She blushed and laughed looking down. She came over to the bed and slipped on her shorts and shirt.

I put on my boxers and pants real quick, then went over to help her with her suspenders. I hooked them up in the back then helped her with the arms. "Thanks." She said giving me a kiss. I smiled down at her then went back to grab my shirt.

A Mindless Twin!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant