Jake comes home.

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After me and Cyra finished with all the paper work, we headed up to Jake's room to help pack.

"Jake?" Cyra said, as we opened the door.

"Hi." He said, from a window bench.

"What's wrong buddy?" I said sitting down beside him.

"I miss Bell.." He said, pulling the stuff bear, that was in his arms, to his chest.

"I know, We all miss her too but she wouldn't want you to be sad." Cyra said, pulling him to her lap.

"I know.." He said. 

"Well, buddy how would you like coming home with me and Roc?" Cyra asked him.

I smiled as a smile grew on his face and he stood on his knees in Cyra's lap. "Really? Like a family?" He asked excited.

"Yep, just like a family. you, us and the gang." 

"Don't forget the two on the way." Cyra corrected me.

"My bad. And the two on the way." I said, smiling to Cyra.

"YEA!!" He yelled clapping his hands.

"Good, well lets get packing." I said picking him up.

We gathered all his clothes, toys and hygiene things.

"Ok, are we ready boys?" Cyra asked. 

"I think so. Jake you got everything?" I asked him.

He looked around and then took off running to the closet.

We followed behind him and saw him lifting up a loose floor board.

"What you got there?" I said kneeling down by him.

"Me and Bella's stuff." He said, pulling out all kinds of things.

Coloring books, pictures of the two, things they made, and two friendship bracelets.

"You two sure are some smart four year olds." 

[A/N: I dont remember if they were three or four, so I'm making them 4]

"Ok, lets go." i said, picking up all his bags.

"YAY!!" He said, running down infront of me.

Me and Cyra laughed then headed after him.


"So this is my new house?" Jake asked as we pulled up into the drive way.

"Yea, buddy. And you get your own room." I said, helping opening his door.

"Cool!" He said, grabbing his back pack.

I grabbed his things and headed inside with the two.

"We're home!!" Cyra called out.

"Come on Jake, lets go find everyone." She said picking Jake up.

"I'll just be putting his stuff up..alone!" I said, watching them leave.

"You'll be fine!" Cyra called. 

I shook my head and headed upstairs to the guest room that we were gonna use for Jake.


I took Jake into the kitchen cause I smelt chicken and that meant one thing.

Celeste and Prodigy were cooking tonight.

"Hey Hey Hey." I said, as I entered.

"Whats good girly." Ray said, in a girly voice causing Jake to giggle.

A Mindless Twin!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora