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"Wake up Cyra.." I heard Celly say shaking me. I moved her hand away from my shoulder and turned my head the other way. "WAKE UP!!!" My eyes shot open to find bright blue ones right in my face. I pulled back and gave Casey a -no you didn't- look. 

"Oh get over it. Were here anyway." She said butting her beats in her bag. I sat up the right way and looked out the window. When i looked past the few clouds that were below I saw it...

The New York airport.


"Come one Celeste!" I called waking past SubWay. Celeste was trying to go and get some food. "But im hungry!!" She whined crossing her arms. I stopped and turned back to find her pouting looking at Subway. Casey walked up to me from the other direction and stopped looking at Celly. "Whats wrong with her?" She asked

"She wants food." I said to her. "Can't you just wait?We have to get to the hotel." she said heading to Celeste pulling her away from SubWay. "No come back...come back" SHe said trying to get away from Casey.

"I hate you guys, Im hungry." She said walking beside us to the front doors. "How about we go eat at Olive Garden, after we check into the hotel." I tried reasoning with her. "SURE!!" She yelled getting the people around us to look at us.

"Oh lordy, what are we gonna do with her?" I said shaking my head. "idk, but come one theres the limo." I heard Casey say from behind us.I turned to her and started following her to the end of the car line. Celeste was pulling a chart with our bags, so we had to wait for her. "HURRY UP CELLY!!" Casey said obviosly getting inpatient.

I laughed at the face Celeste gave her when she walked up to us. "How bout you pull the chart next time?" Celeste said dragging it to the open trunk. "No Thats your job." Casey said grabbing her bags and putting them in the trunk.

"I love you guys!!" I said laughing. They looked at me like i was crazy then went back to putting there bags in there. 

I grabbed mine when they were done, then we all got in the back of the limo. when we got in, on the little table thingy had a note of it. 

'Girls, welcome to New York. I already booked you three a hotel room, room 143:) The girl that you will be auditioning for will meet you there, so hang with her; get to know her. 

Me and the boys will be out running band earans so you may have to wait a little to see them, but you will get to see them by tonight for sure.

This is your limo for the time your in New York, so HAVE FUN!!


I let the girls know what the letter said, then we all looked out the roll down windows at the city. I love it her. All the biuldings are so tall and fancy looking. There were people everywhere. Once in a while there would be little and big parks. There was one park that had a big fountian in the center.

I was gonna have to come back to that one soon...


When we got to the hotel, we walked into the lobby with our bags, while the girls got the bags on the chart i went to get the room key. "Um I need to teh room key for room 143.." I said to the guy. 

He was mixed with light green eyes, dark drown hair and a mole under his eye like me. I have to say boy had it going on!!! wait what are you doing Cyra. You are here for Roc no one else....

A Mindless Twin!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora