Episode nine: The Man in the Fallout Shelter

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Hodgins, Zack, Mom, Booth, Angela, Dr. Goodman and I were sitting inside of Mom's office. Hodgins, Zack and I were sitting on the couch and behind us were a big screen and on the screen is a head guy of the Jeffesonian in a Santa suit talking to them.
'' Can I please get dressed''? I asked Mom
'' After this you can, sweetie.'' Mom told me
Zack wraps his arm around me
'' The pathogen is coccidiomyosis.'' The guy on the screen said
'' Valley Fever''? Questioned Dr. Goodman
'' It was picked up in the scanner in the discharge vent at Mr. Addy's station.''  The guy said on the screen
'' What's Valley fever''? Booth and I both said at the same time
'' It's a fungus that can lead to pneumonia, meningitis, spontaneous abortion, death.'' Zack said
'' The alarm sounded shortly after Mr. Addy cut into a human bone. That must have been the source.'' Dr. Goodman said
'' Was he following autopsy protocol''? The guy asked
'' Of course! However--''
'' I was drinking an eggnog.'' Hodgins interrupted Mom
The guy on the screen pulls his beard down to talk. '' And now he's there with you breathing the same air.''
'' I was there too'' I told the man
'' Hey, I got into the decontamination shower with Zack and Emma haven't I been through enough hell''
'' How do you think I feel''?
'' Is he contagious''? Booth asked
'' Dr. Hodgins may have inhaled the spores, yes.''
'' Okay, it must suck to be Hodgins right now but the rest of us; we didn't inhale so it's okay that I go, right''?
'' Dr. Hodgins may have exhaled the spores all over us.'' Dr. Goodman said
'' We have no choice but to impose quarantine. Valley fever can be fatal and we can't risk impendent.'' The guy said on the screen and then he says. '' Just calm down and let us handle things from this side.''
'' Anyone besides me worried that a guy dressed like Santa is in charge''?
'' Merry Christmas.'' The guy said and then he shuts off his connection
'' This is just great.'' I muttered
'' Ok, you know what; if this is fatal I will shoot all three of you.''
'' Maybe you guys could go get dressed.'' Angela said
'' Finally'' I said
Zack, Hodgins and I all got up from the couch and all three of us leave mom's office to go and get dressed.

Zack, Mom and I were on the lab platform and all three of us were standing over a body in a encased glass tube.
'' I zapped the bones with ultraviolet light and arranged them on the isolation table so we don't have to worry about spores.'' Zack told Mom
'' In addition I found this sewn into the lining of his clothing.'' I said and then I hand Mom a clear baggie with a band in it
'' A woman's wedding band.''
'' Two tickets to Paris, a woman's wedding band, a picture begins to form.'' Zack stated
'' We don't form pictures, we accumulate evidence. Dental Work''? Mom said
'' Acrylic resins in the interior fillings from the 1940s.'' Zack said
'' Childhood tibia break, bad enough that he walked with a limp. Also he wore a toupp.'' I said finishing
'' It doesn't seem to have degraded.''
'' It's made of a synthetic called dinel.'' I said
'' It couldn't have looked good.'' Zack said
'' Ow'' I suddenly said
'' Are you okay, Ems''? Mom asked me quickly
'' Yeah, yeah I'm fine.'' I replied as I put my hand onto my left side of my stomach
'' Are you sure, Ems''? Mom asked me
'' Yeah I'm sure! Ow'' I said
'' You're obviously not fine, Ems.'' Zack stated
'' But I am though, I am fine'' I told Zack and then I say. ''Ow''
'' Well clearly you're not fine cause you keep saying 'ow' and your holding your left side of you're stomach.'' Zack said
'' The reason why I am holding my left side of my stomach and saying ow is because the baby is kicking.'' I told them
'' What''? Mom and Zack both said at the same time
'' The baby's kicking'' I told them again
'' Oh my god.'' Mom said and then she says. '' Can I feel''?
'' Of course'' I said and then I move my hand from my left side and then Mom places her hand onto my stomach where I have just had mine and then the baby kicked again and then Mom says. '' The baby just kicked again.''
'' Is this the first time the baby has kicked''? Zack asked me
I looked at Zack and then I said. '' No, it's not the first time Zack''
'' It's not''? Mom asked me
'' No, in fact the baby has been kicking for a while.''
'' Why didn't you say anything''?
'' Cause I didn't want people to fuss over me, that's why I didn't say anything'' I told Zack
'' Can I have a feel''? Zack asked
'' Of course'' I said
Zack comes over to me and mom; Mom moves her hand away from my stomach and Zack replaces his hand onto it and then the baby kicked again
'' Oh my god.'' Zack said
'' I know'' I said

Bones: Emma Brennan (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz