"Why not. They deserve to know." Rey replied

We all stood up and turned around, giving the boys a look of hope.

"You've always wondered why our pranks could be so good. How we could possibly do them. Also why we always ran away when we were wet." Ella started.

"Well we typically don't do this but you five deserve to know. We four are special. Different. Many would view us as freaks and judge us for the real us." I added

"For us, this comes as a second nature. It's a part of us we can never part with." Tia said

"Humans view it as nightmares, our sisters, brothers, and we view it as a gift. The gift of the islands." Rey ended as we turned around and jumped into the ocean.

As we transformed, we swam back up to surface.

"We're mermaids." We said together.

They just looked at us in shock.

"We would love to tell you more but we don't have the heart and time for it." Rey said

"Goodbye Vegas Magic Pranksters." We said tears streaming down our face waving goodbye as we levitated the suitcases and cloaked them.

I cried the entire swim to Mako where we met the others. Though their comfort was nice and everything, I was broken hearted. And it would never be fixed.

Luke's POV

As the girls swam off, everything started to make sense. They were gifts, who thought we wouldn't appreciate them but we do. They were all wrong.

I noticed a note under a rock and opened it. It read.

Dear Vegas Magic Pranksters,
So you've probably found out the truth about us by now. If you haven't, don't read further until we tell you. Our powers can either be a curse, or a gift. It's your take. We can manipulate water, heat and freeze things, jellify things, levitate things, make ourselves and things invisible and also make things happen at our will. We're ever so sorry for keeping our secret but its how we play. Every time you've gotten us wet, we've always run away. That's because we get our tails in ten seconds. We thought it was to dangerous for us to share it with anyone so we never have.

Were sorry for all your equipment loss, chase's man bun being cut, and lying to you. Please don't come looking for us. It's of no use. Where were going us a really big country and it is practically impossible to find us. Even if you do, don't say hi. it will hurt even more. Were simply figments of your imagination. That's where we'll stay. No where else but your dreams. (and maybe your worst nightmares -R) (Rey! -L)(Guys! Were running out of time!-E)(Just keep writing Rey! -T).

So anyways, its been a time jut to meet you all and the last twenty nine days have been jam packed with memories we will never forget. Both good and bad. Buenos diaz. We will be together through our imaginations. Siempre.

Lucy, Tia, Ella and Rey.

We folded the note and went back to bed. Crying.

•Later That Day•

We were sitting down on the couch. We heard a loud knock at the door. I walked over to it to see a moving van person.

"Um are you Luke, Kyle, Chase, Max or Jacob?" he asked

"Um yes I'm Luke. You are?"

"Jeff from Movers! Shakers! Moving Inc.. I'm here to pick up all the furniture to move it." he said.

"Oh sure come on in." I said. He got to work so we moved to the stairs.

"Guys, they left us in charge to sign the papers saying everything was taken that was required."

"Yeah so they must know where they're moving to." Max said sparking an idea.

"What's the use. Its not like they don't want us to see them again." Jacob slumped.

"Now do you think Ella wouldn't want to see you again if she had the chance." I said.

Max walked over to a man packing up a box.

"Oh yeah I jut got a text from the girls who left us in charge of the papers to say that everything went to check the delivery address." He lied.

"It is 917 Cruise Place, Gold Coast, Australia. Correct?"

"Yup. Thanks, just checking!"

He walked back over and I took out my laptop, saved the address and opened the travel agency's website.

A/N: Hey my fishies! Is it bad I cried while writing this? Whoops, either way I might post the epilogue in the next few hours as well. I'm In a really good mood to finish this so I'm going to see how far I get. If not, definitely tomorrow. Sad its coming to an end but many other books coming soon to look forward to! Have a splashy day! (No that sounds bad lol)

-Ingrid Adeline.

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