Day 12

534 21 2

Lucy's POV

Disneyland yesterday exhausted everybody. The Mako squad and the Mea squad all decided to have a sleep over as it was a full moon last night. We talked about what to do and we decided to take them shopping before they headed back to the Gold Coast.

Rey being Rey decided to buy an airhorn when she picked up our previous supplies. We all got changed and met at the bottom of the stairs.

I decided to pull up the classic army trumpet wake up call to play when Rey finnished with the airhorn.

We counted down the seconds to ten o'clock and once it hit, Rey blasted the airhorn. Crap that was loud.

The boys thought it was an emergency and ran out of the spare room panicked.

When Rey stopped, you could hear my army wake up call. We all laughed.

"Get dressed losers were going shopping" Rey sassed as we went to the kitchen. We reached in the back and found the cloaked bowl of Arctic Marshmallow that we ate for breakfast.

When the boys got downstairs, they went to eat some of our marshmallow when we pulled it away from them. I quickly cloaked it and closed the fridge door.

We took separate cars once again and headed to the outlet malls. I drove all the mermaids and Luke drove the boys and Zac.

Everyone except for me and and Luke was texting someone in the other car. Luke and I would exchange glances or smile at eachother but nothing much was happening.

When we got out of the car, the girls and I agreed that Forever 21 would be our last stop of the day so we'd meet up there for our prank. We mindmessaged it in the car along with Zav so we all agreed.

We split up. I went with Luke as he asked me to. Rey, Mimmi and Ondina. Tia, Weilan and Zac together. Ella and Jacob, and finally all the boys left (Kyle, Max and Chase).

As I went off with Luke we talked. A lot. We went in a few stores for him like Nike and Under Armour and I picked out his new favourite shirt. Not to brag or anything but he loves it. I also went to Abercrombie & Fitch, where he picked me out a very cute sweater dress and a leather jacket. I loved it. I also went to MAC and bought a lot of new products as I was running quite low. It's funny how makeup wont affect mers yet moisturizer will. We ended up sitting in the food court eating Starbucks and just talking. And then it happened. He kissed me.

Ondina's POV

As soon as Rey, Mimmi and I left the group it was hardcore shopping. We went everywhere including Sephora, MAC, Hollister, Abercrombie, Aritzia, Urban Outfitters, Urban Decay and even Kernels for the world's best popcorn according to Rey. And that's true, we ate a whole medium and had to get three more just to take home with us.

Ella's POV

Jacob asked me to go with him when we were texting in the car. I said yes because underneath that rebel bad boy act he's a really sweet guy. Neither of us did much shopping at first because something really interesting came up.

He took me over to Wendy's and got us a large frosty to share. I went along with it as we did what the cute movie couples do; two straws one drink.

Someone came by and said "Awe you two are so sweet". Before I could deny anything, he stopped me. We both smiled as she moved along.

"Listen Ella. I like you. Like Really really like you. Do you feel the same?" He asked me.

"Oh my god Jacob of course I do. At first I thought you were the bad boy of the group but once I got to know you I really developed feelings. I just kept them hidden."

"Yeah just like everything else in your life." he muttered

"Hey that's not true!"

"Then tell me what your hiding. Deep down inside I know you really do so just do it. There's nothing to be afraid of Ella"

"Listen, there are just some bonds between certain girls that can't change and must remain secret because since you were little you swore to secrecy. I would but I'm sorry I can't tell you that. But i'll tell you everything else, I promise."

He looked at me for a long time as the silence between us grew longer and longer. He leaned in and I did to. Although what I thought was a secret turned out to be the best kiss of my life.

Max's POV

So going to the mall was a bust. All Chase, Kyle and I did was go to a movie. We seen Suicide Squad because Chase had been dying to see it. He practically begged us. At the end if the movie, instead if meeting up at the Forever 21 entrance, I texted The boys to meet us by the toy carts down the hall a bit. We all took one and targeted the four girls who were standing around looking for us. We surrounded them and they freaked out. Suddenly Mimmi starts singing, terribly.

"IM SINGING! IM IN THE MALL AND IM SINGING!" she continued catching our attention.

"Come on Mimmi there's no singing in the mall." The boys and I yelled at her

"Yes there is. We do it all the time!"

"No you don't now stop please."

"NEVER!" she sang. We ignored her and turned back to the girls who weren't there anymore. We looked everywhere for them.

Mimmi's POV

"Hey you dimwits! Did we disappear on you?" Rey asked mockingly.

They were so confused. We all laughed except for Lucy who riffed an Ariana Grande chord to prove we did sing in malls,

As we walked in F21, the boys started to ask a LOT of questions. We pulled a quick corner and cloaked. Using our moon rings, I took a cream crop top off the rack. Rey took a skater skirt, Tia with flats, Ella a hat, Lucy a pair of gloves, Weilan a pair of sunglasses and Ondina a jacket. We slowly walked it over to the boys who were looking at shirts they called 'stupid'. Lucy controlled the glove so it tapped Luke on the shoulder. "Hey Lu-. Oh MY GOD!" He screamed.

Luckily Evie was catching this all on video for our personal amusement. Now it was Zac's turn. He walked over.

"Hey Chase. You seem Lucy and Evie?" He asked.

They just looked at him with blank faces.

"Oh there you are Lucy where's Evie?" he asked the floating clothes.
Lucy controlled the gloves to point over to where Evie was recording. He came out with his arm rapped around Mimmi.

"Thanks Lu!" He shouted

Lucy used the gloves to do a mini salute causing us all to laugh. We controlled the clothes back over to us and then quickly put them on Lucy. She walked over to Luke and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Your- But you were just- What- How?" He stuttered

"I was what? A ghost? Oh my you are silly." she said punching his arm playfully. They just stared as we waved to them from behind the rack if clothes.

I have to say. Mermaid Magic pays off!


A/N: Hey my fishies. So sorry I haven't updated. Recently broke my wrist so I've been having a more difficult time with everything. Hope this pays up for my few days off. Dedicated to @fishwifi because she is so sweet. Xoxo -Ingrid

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