Day 22

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Rey's POV

Today was the day we had planned for such a long time. I slept in with my door locked so that my voice could be well rested for tonight. We were going to the Karaoke Dokie Club for a sing off.

Since it opened down in Los Feilz, my friend Cat told me about it and we've been dying to go there. Even though it was tough to say goodbye to Hollywood Arts, moving in with Rita could smoothen our lives from the bumpy prank wars we've had.

I took a sip of some room temperature lemon water and pulled on my robe ready to start the day.

"Good morning. Are you all ready to kick some serious butt today?" I mindmessaged them

We all walked out of our rooms at the same time which was a bad decision.

The boys had a quite different approach to how to greet the morning. A water gun fight.

They sprayed us so much and we only realized that we had three seconds to hide.

We slammed the door, and locked it while falling to the ground.

"That was a lot of agua" Tia mind messaged us.

We knew there was more of that but we had to avoid it. We mind messaged the possibilities as there weren't enough crystals for four more waterproofing potions. We ended up just going to run and cloak as we turned the corner on the house then hopefully run to the beach.

"Are we going?" I mind messaged

"On the sound of my air horn. Get ready girls. Its going to be a wet ride. And in five, four, three, two..." Lucy mind messaged.

Then the airhorn blew. The boys were all shocked to hear this so with our slippers we walked quite briskly down the stairs without becoming wet. (a/n: never run or you could break your wrist like I almost did.)

We turned the corner on the house and cloaked of course with them running after us. We surprisingly didn't get hit once.

We then decided to watch them look for us. We wanted to laugh so hard but ddidn't

"Guys come here" Luke called them in. We went a little closer. "Lets gather the facts, the girls use a lot of foreign language which by my guess is Spanish or Hawaiian, they disappear quite a lot, they won't go swimming with us yet will go with eachother, naked sometimes, and basically why are they so good at this."

"They could be using an advantage that wasn't laid out in the rules, like using movie special effects or something." Kyle suggested.

They looked at each other and the girls and I looked at eachother. I used a hand signal we made up when we were about five to let tgem know I was going to do something risky yet they just nodded.

I uncloaked myself "Um I personally know that we aren't cheating with movie special effects like some sore losers would like to think..."

"Holy chiz Rey since when have you been there."

"Since eternity dimwit. Either way II'd give up trying to figure out why and when we get authorization to tell you what's really on the go, then you'll know why when we said 'you'll never stand a chance' we meant it. Have fun trying to get out, your in a bit of a mess there." I said walking back inside waving at them.
"Oh and tonight we challenge you to a sing off. Plus we've got the HA advantage."

The rest of the girls uncloaked themselves from behind and started to laugh. They followed me inside.

I decided to call my best friend Cat to see if she could meet us at Karaoke Dokie.

"Hey Cat! What's up!" I said

"Omg Rey Hiiiiii! My brother locked me in his closet."

"Oh wow. How about after you get our, come meet us at Karaoke Dokie for a little sing song action tonight?"

"Oh wow yes! Byeeeee" she said hanging up the phone. Now to find a song to sing....

We searched multiple songs for groups of five to sing and ended up settling on 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls. We were practically set.

Cat picked us up and the boys followed us to Karaoke Dokie. Once we got inside, we sat down at the nearest table.

"I'm gonna grab a drink for me and the girls..." I said walking away

"Mine too?" Max asked


Once I got them, I walked back to see another girl hitting on my Max! I decided to eavesdrop...

"Hello... And who might you be" some weird girl asked

"Uh hi my name is Max" max tried to back off

"That's hot!"

"Um excuse me... Miss... Um he has a girlfriend" Cat tried to say

"Ugh you again"

"It's true." Max admitted

"Well I don't see her." She said while trying to flirt terribly.

"TURN AROUND! Now you see her" I sassed.

"Oh Hollywood Arts. I'm not singing tonight, are you?"

"Yeah actually the boys are against the girls"

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah so what's your name, just leave"

"It's Tara" She said walking off towards her friend at another table.

We ordered some buffalo wings, nachos and also shakes before we went onstage.

"And up next in our Karaoke Competiton, the girls from Hollywood Arts! They're Rey, Lucy, Ella, Tia and Cat! So girls whatcha gonna sing?"

"We wanna sing 'Wannabe' by the spice girls!" Cat said

Once he played the song, it went perfect. We did a bit of choreography over FaceTime and in the car but from my point of view we did really well.

The boys on the other hand did not. They sang 'What Makes you Beautiful' by 1D and had tater tots thrown at them.

"We win losers!" We chanted as they returned to our table. We ended up winning 20 bucks each as the grand prize was $100 because of the end of summer.

The girls and I left feeling proud ghat another one of our pranks of screwing with the voice controls in the boys' mics worked. Quite brilliantly if I do say so myself.


A/N: WOW! 250 reads. Thanks so much for reading this guys. I apologize for my randomness in this chapter but I would like to dedicate the role of Cat to @fishwifi because she is just as sweet as she is in the show. you can email me through my address in my bio (click read more). Have a lovely weekend wherever you are and Happy Thanksgiving to Canadians.

Xx; Ingrid Adeline, going offline...

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