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Attina's POV

I woke up at 9am. I assumed no one else was up so I got changed and went downstairs to make some breakfast.

I took an egg out of the fridge and let it sizzle in the frying pan while putting on a piece of toast.

Once it was done, I peacefully sat down in front of the tv and watched Fuller House on Netflix. I loved this show.

I was at the part where Max was playing Coachella when I heard the other Max and Luke coming down the hall.

"Ayo!" I yelled at them while turning around.

"Oh my god your watching Fuller House! Scooch over!" Like yelled and pushed me over.

We laughed at this. I didn't realize for the longest time that Max had left until the episode had ended. I stood up to go put my dishes away when Luke sat me back down.

"Listen Attina, there's something I really need to tell you..." He started

I sat and looked at him. "You can call me Tia if you want."

"Oh okay. Well, Tia, I really like you. Like really really like you."

I fainted. You could just say that this moment was so breathtaking that it took my breath away. Literally.

3rd person POV

Luke screamed. He had no clue what he had just done. Rey, Lucy and Ella were the first three to run down the stairs and observe what was going on when they found Luke rushing for the sink.

"LUKE ROSSENAR! What the HELL DID YOU DO TO TIA!" Rey screamed turning off the tap before he could put a cloth under it.

"All I said was that I really really liked her and then she fainted!" He shouted back

"We got this. Go upstairs and lock yourself in a windowless closet!!" Lucy screamed while indicating her head first towards Attina then towards the door.

The girls all nodded and waited for the boys to go upstairs. They first turned themselves invisible and then Tia. They then ran out and flung her in the water causing her to wake up while also the invisibility was worn off.

Rey's POV

I'm so glad that plan worked. Tia had me really freaked out. We all dove in the water with her and decided to swim with the dolphins for a while near Mea.

Chase's POV

When I was upstairs during Tia's scene, I was looking down at where the back door was. The door then opened but there was no one holding it nor passing through. I am starting to get creeped out.

Next thing I know I hear a splash and I see Tia's head pop up from the water. Moments later, the other girls' do too.

What is going on?

I lost focus and now all I seen were four waves headed towards Mea Island. They had so much explaining to do.

I walked down the stairs and seen the boys watching The Flash on Netflix. I took the bowl of popcorn from infant of them and they paused the tv.

"Uh guys can we go do something?" I asked

"Ugh. What do you want to do Chasey?" Kyle asked me while reaching for the popcorn. I yanked it away from his reach and he gave me a pouty face.

"Uh can we go sight seeing or something fun. Away from the house?"

"What do you propose?" Luke said turning the tv off completely. Well I was one step closer to getting to do something fun.

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